Coalition declares on ->>>>Shadow


third: will someone from shadow please come save this guy from looking even more stupid by flaming me? :)

you could have saved yourself the trouble by not posting your senseless and feeble-minded attempt at mockery in the first place.



Doesn't look too promising for LA-G anymore.

Who believes that's pretty much "one down"?

o_O u ppl need to keep up... LA-G merged into various tribes in the coalition in order to increase coordination and support and b/c it was so spread out, so andy Shadow captures on LA-G villages are inactive captures that we were internally nobling before kicking


Excuses excuses. Then again that's all that "The Coalition of the Unwilling" seem to be doing :). They certainly aren't winning any wars :).

I'm not surprised about the inactives I'd be surprised if there are more than 10 active players in the entire Coalition. Either that or you have a lot of "dead-weight" also known as incompetant players or Noobs. I'm inclined to think a little bit of both :).

I wouldn't worry about the "support" you don't seem to do much of that anyway :icon_wink:.


we do have noobs.. in fact i am a nooooooob.

doesn't mean we can't win! we even more noooooby then shadow players.

atleats most of us.

but still are gonna win. cause weeeeeeez luvvsss to kill shadow.


we do have noobs.. in fact i am a nooooooob.

doesn't mean we can't win! we even more noooooby then shadow players.

atleats most of us.

but still are gonna win. cause weeeeeeez luvvsss to kill shadow.

noob or not, you cannot win


I believe that is very persumptuous, I believe there is a saying about counting chickens that come before the egg or some kind of stuff. :icon_rolleyes:

you mean counting your eggs before they hatch? :)

Side 1:
Tribes: Shadow

Side 2:
Tribes: [IRON] TK Nstlk* Dstlk* FURY

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers:

Side 1: 107
Side 2: 95
Difference: 12


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 71
Side 2: 5
Difference: 66


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 1,001,836
Side 2: 634,320
Difference: 367,516


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 661,313
Side 2: 47,958
Difference: 613,355



I believe that is very persumptuous, I believe there is a saying about counting chickens that come before the egg or some kind of stuff. :icon_rolleyes:

Fair enough, there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, but in my opinion the coalition is too little too late. You can hardly expect me to big up the enemy.


yea from all the stats on this war ive seen, thee coalition are dead men walking and this world will be over faster than i originally thought it would. The fact is shadow has better players, better coordination, better leadership and very much less members to worry bout being attacked. It seems the idea for this coalition was a day late and a dollar short, than again ive seen crazier things happen in big wars so i guess it aint over til its over


yea... but we still have some tricks were about to unleash the almighty axe of destruction.


Yeah I've heard members of the Coalition talking about their "Secret Weapon" and I think it might be you'll all just give up and/or mass delete.

If that isn't the "Secret Weapon" I daresay you'll all be rimmed before we actually find out what it is :).


Yeah I've heard members of the Coalition talking about their "Secret Weapon" and I think it might be you'll all just give up and/or mass delete.

If that isn't the "Secret Weapon" I daresay you'll all be rimmed before we actually find out what it is :).

Trust me, that's not our secret weapon.

I am :lol:


If the Coalition has a secret weapon, could they please just unleash it already?:icon_rolleyes:

That is, if they actually do:lol: