after 11 months of incoming that ended today and killing off a dead account on me i have noticed this rimming of less isnt going very well atm?
according to tribal wars help the meaning of rimming is as follows: Rimming: The act of conquering all of a player's villages, and sending him/her to the rim of the world. below stats clearly show this hasnt been done
note you really want my stats bar to be going in the downward direction!
so i have taken the liberty of putting together a plan of action for geani to follow it gos as follows
1. attack less villages
2. noble less villages
3. stop less from nobling new villages
4. dont mistake shaggy rogers villages for shaggy roger villages [might upset shaggy if you noble the wrong ones]
5. dont brag about rimming till you can follow steps 1 thru 3
i hope this helps if there's anything else i can do to help please let me know
on a side note here are my 5 favorite geani quotes
1. what less did its dangerous for my tribe and its a immature behaviour
2. both gear and less, go play something else, this game is to hard for you boys
3. clearly Pita lowered their standars if even less got a spot there =))
4. I said lots of things about us rimming big players like teh for example, or like gearh, but you, will be my pleasure to help rim ...
5. as I said before, less will sudenly have some RL...
as I said before, less will sudenly have some RL issues
best regards less
News update i have decided to make it easier to find me at the cost of 500pp account name is now Lesss Is More !!!!!!
according to tribal wars help the meaning of rimming is as follows: Rimming: The act of conquering all of a player's villages, and sending him/her to the rim of the world. below stats clearly show this hasnt been done
note you really want my stats bar to be going in the downward direction!
so i have taken the liberty of putting together a plan of action for geani to follow it gos as follows
1. attack less villages
2. noble less villages
3. stop less from nobling new villages
4. dont mistake shaggy rogers villages for shaggy roger villages [might upset shaggy if you noble the wrong ones]
5. dont brag about rimming till you can follow steps 1 thru 3
i hope this helps if there's anything else i can do to help please let me know
on a side note here are my 5 favorite geani quotes
1. what less did its dangerous for my tribe and its a immature behaviour
2. both gear and less, go play something else, this game is to hard for you boys
3. clearly Pita lowered their standars if even less got a spot there =))
4. I said lots of things about us rimming big players like teh for example, or like gearh, but you, will be my pleasure to help rim ...
5. as I said before, less will sudenly have some RL...
as I said before, less will sudenly have some RL issues
best regards less
News update i have decided to make it easier to find me at the cost of 500pp account name is now Lesss Is More !!!!!!
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