Condo, K65 + K75


Condo, currently ranked 15 in K65, , number 1 in K75, is recruiting new members. We have 50 members, averaging 3.000 points, and expect that to climb as more and more of our players are noble capable. Most of our tribe is located in the Southern section of K65 and the Northern section of K75, but we will accept reasonably close villages as well.

While we will be instituting a 1.000 point requirement, more important is that you are active and willing to help out your fellow tribe members. We have numerous alliances and NAPs which you will be expected to uphold as well. Though we may not be a huge tribe, we are close to each other geographically and you will find many members who are willing to offer you help if need be. Please note however, that like most other tribes, we will NOT be accepting members who are currently under heavy attack at the time of their application.

If you are interested in joining, have any questions, or would like to know more about Condo, please mail me.

Condo, Diplomatic Relations
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