Could w48 Get By With No Farming?


some additional point i'd like to make:

no farming means also that you lessen the importance of off troops.

the reason some players can through around nukes like there is no tomorrow is because they build them 24/7. imho that's only possible with farming.

than there is the fact that you can stack def to spread your losses amongst many villages. i have no idea if the incoming resources (through farming) would have a great impact here in terms of faster rebuilding of deff troops (relatively speaking). i believe it has. especially iron.

and i think it would have a huge impact on the "moral" between player. its already costly to clean up your area of small players but no farming would raise the costs here too.

i believe this would favour and increase turtleing.

i think a no farming world needs to have:

- resource output so you can run barracks + stable 24/7 plus a little extra for buildings/nobles (i haven't paid it any attention since i do farm but i believe atm the mines don't produce enough)
-no increase in noble cost (maybe the 3 lvl academy with the 3 noble per village limit to slow expansion)
-no or a gutted moral rule
-maybe even the farm rule where your def looses fighting power if you have say more then two times the farm space worth of troops in a village.

i can't even imagine early game (right at the start where everyone has only one village). because attacking someone would be pointless.


omg i would love a non-farming world, i would be at the top of my game lol, think thats the only thing that holds me bk is im lazy lol


hey all, i just stopped by to have butchers. i think this 'no farming' business could actually make the start more tactical. u stand to gain a massive advantage if u can cat an opponents resource buildings, as u could have an indefinite lead. therefore i'd imagine the game would still be time consuming during start up but more relaxed as the game progresses, could lead to more people returning (like myself ;))


hey all, i just stopped by to have butchers. i think this 'no farming' business could actually make the start more tactical. u stand to gain a massive advantage if u can cat an opponents resource buildings, as u could have an indefinite lead. therefore i'd imagine the game would still be time consuming during start up but more relaxed as the game progresses, could lead to more people returning (like myself ;))

catapulting would have the same effects as now. a new grey village. only you sacrifice troops without the benefit of having a new farm.


wouldn't mind not having to press twfarmreport a million times a day, if they opened a world like this id give it ago..


As a new world,yes no farming.Here, NO WAY!

Just the words of a beginner.


Us farmers got some produce to sell,all you city folk come see us now ya hear!


farming is one aspect where premium gives you almost no advantage. bookmark farming is faster but not as efficient as twfarmreport. and it's a b***h to set up and maintain.


farming is one aspect where premium gives you almost no advantage. bookmark farming is faster but not as efficient as twfarmreport. and it's a b***h to set up and maintain.

Premium saves time as it shows you when youv attacked and where, i often lose track with twfarmreport.


you need to set it up right. enter a minimum amount of resources (say 30k) and the script wont sent troops to villages you already farmed. you don't need the map for farming. it also helps if you separate cavalry from foot soldiers.


And a bit of overfarming on is quite irrilevant in front of the time saved to not have to bother point and click village son the map and the total resources looted.
Really, premium is kinda no use for farming with :p


Well I think not it is the main source for you villagers. And it is why the villagers llive there so they can have food. SO that is my aswnswer.
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Also your troops would be dead and you can't fight how would you fight with no troops ?