Count to 100,000


24, Yes defense before offense, there's no point in being able to level someone if you cannot defend it, at least if it comes down to it you can still take barbs if your all defense vs being offense heavy and being nobled out.


25. I don't agree with that so much. As soon as you've got your 2nd village, you can go heavy offense, just dodge and backtime. If you get nobles inc, snipe them or just renoble. Simple as that :).

(Although thinking back on it, I was always about 50/50 def/off.)


26 i make sure i never drop below a 2:1 defense to offense, I try to stay more towards 3:1 ill turtle my way into u


27 ... when ur a turtle people tend to try like crazy to break your defense. =) a 2:1 isn't a turtle I've heard a 3:1 ratio from people too.
Turtle is *inset number* : 0


By that definition i guess you could call everyone a turtle at the beginining. =(

*insert number higher than 1 in here* : 0 = is a turtle.


29... No it doesn't. Many people start off offensive in the beginning, and I've been convinced it is the way to go for the short term at the start.


30. its great if your active enough, but your so easy to take out players with a decent defense can bully you around, just a race to the noble, the defense is safe and keeps all of their resources, the offense is constantly being farmed so they have to hide resources but on the other hand they can farm much faster it really just comes down to starting location.


feed, i'd love if sometime we get 2 equal sized clusters next to each... i'll show how good o' a soap turtles make...

with the defense an offense heavy cutlass would have he can easily wipe out yer offense leavin ye sittin ideal fer at least 2 weeks 'fore ye can throw a serious punch his way, mean while he'll be killin off yer defense which takes a lot longer than offense to build up...

i personally do nay follow any specific ratio... i just build up mine vills accordin to the need, but i always do 'ave mo' offense than defense.



You bring a good point kachine, but it still depends on the player. If they can dodge and backtime your nuke then your plan has backfired on you. You two should get two clusters and we can have some personal stats for ye :icon_wink: