

Awesomest CM Ever
Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score
07. Mikeys: 38,954
01. Ysiek: 24,245
02. Jirki88: 13,263
19. The Emperror: 6,142
05. Lei1027: 3,647
06: Resputi The Great: 3,225
03. tokstolle: 3,085
11. dougalo7: 2,969
08. schnapi4ever: 2,716
09. Modesty: 2,137
04. dutchwarrior: 1,953
10. steve34cks: 1,930
13. DarkeAngel: 1,532
17. Srinu: 1,419
20. Berzerker: 1,370
16. mirrorke: 1,354
12. channaka: 887
14. biskotek: 726
15. jellytots: 718
18. somal: 555

The above:
First Number Row = Place on the Rankings table ingame
Name Row = Self-explanatory
Second Number Row: Profile Views on

Sooo Mikeys, how the hell have you managed to get a Profile View count there, really? :icon_razz: Been beating your F5 button to death or what? :icon_wink:


Every time he launches an attack he take a look at TWstats to see if his ODA have grown :icon_wink: