Now he's sent this to our members...
CaptainxMidget Jun 03, 11:54
Hello Ally/Ally Family Tribe members,
I am [player]CaptainxMidget[/player], and I have come to deliver this one mail. A long time a go (1 month or so) I created [ally]D.C.C[/ally] with a mindset of a short term plan and a long term plan, I also reached out to many tribes around to develop a lost faith into a new faith.. Some accepted, some did not. I never reach out to Ally before considering Ally/Ally Family Tribe was a well established tribe (or I assumed). I have tons of respect for Ally Duke and not so much on a certain Ally Member, but then again everyone cant like everyone.. I certainly dont like people taking few words out of context and put it on a Tribe bio. Sadly he got destroyed and I guess thats karma.. Anyways
Besides the war (the lovely diplomacy that I realized you had with [ally]~se~[/ally]) I want to give you guys a chance, cause clearly this is a suicide dive that the leaderboard have decided, no one likes to fight more wars then neccesary and certainly not people aren't getting heared. Many comes and goes and some are loyal till the end. Well, I am writing this for a purpose
Those who have recieved the mail has now an oppertunity to do a path choice and Im not saying one is right than the other but I personally feel bad about whats going on and I want to do what I did with the other tribes, I told Launcher that I will send this mail and here it is.
I offer you guys a place here at [ally]D.C.C2[/ally], what it requires is a leave and an apply.
It is a take it or leave it choice and fighting us to protect your alliance won't chance anything, not even a merge. Either we can be stronger or weaker.. what path do you take?
I will hold the offer open for
5 days, I assume the leaderboeard of Fart wont leave the war either to focus the only war they actually had but then again, what can I say.. We seem to be feared by alot of tribes..
Thanks for your time, and good luck with your decision,