

Hello, W72

I am here today in search for an experienced player who has consistently produced on numerous worlds. I am in need of this sort of player, due to the lack of knowledge and experience. I have played this game before, however never really achieved enough to be satisfied. Hence, searching for someone to share there knowledge about the little details and more in order to do well if I were to play this game again.

Therefore, I have made a deal to nauzhror via message which is pending a response. However, if you feel you are of a standard of nauzhror please message me on here, so we can discuss further. The deal will consist an exchange between information and monetary value. Lastly, the reason for this is knowledge can be a form of experience. Since, I do not have time this way would be most convenient to me.

Kind regards

Husnaan Gulrez Raza (al g razor)


the basics are easy, applying them and being active enough is another, also knowing relations with people is critical. something only experience/trial and error grants you.

The ability to manipulate events to your advantage and knowing where to go and who to get to know that takes years..
this game is layered to fuck! thats why i love it, it has helped me greatly with my dealings with people and allowed me to attain great wealth in business...


the basics are easy, applying them and being active enough is another, also knowing relations with people is critical. something only experience/trial and error grants you.

The ability to manipulate events to your advantage and knowing where to go and who to get to know that takes years..
this game is layered to fuck! thats why i love it, it has helped me greatly with my dealings with people and allowed me to attain great wealth in business...

I agree, relations is critical but unfortunately over my lifespan on this game it's been up and down hill. Hence, I cannot stick around to build new bridges or else it will take a lot of time. I am interested in the little details, therefore I must give something in return for that knowledge or else on behalf of someone it is pointless!


player who has consistently produced on numerous worlds

And the whole world is emphasizing on Birth Control!

In all seriousness, read up a few guides, if you dont know which ones to follow. Contact: cheesasaurus

Hes good at explaining and can go to extreme details and troublesome procedures to get ideas through to your head. -_-


I have read a few guides.

Some say according to the guides I have read, this game can be all mathematics but I don't think that is true, since there are factors which alter the mathematics therefore what I am implying is strategy is an important factor. Hence, adapting to your environment is key. However since my maths, knowledge is not great. I feel the need to seek someone who can help me to increase my knowledge than playing this game for a long period of time which is time consuming when I can be told what to do in a given situation.

Honestly, it's not that I want to be spoon fed consistently but to the extent I can broaden my knowledge with knowledge and do that which I did not imagine.