"decent" player searching tribe


Where abouts are you? The Ladder are fairly experienced, we have tribes on world 4,14,15 and 16

no family jibber jabber. just fun :p



My od wins
535 Murlen1 228.479
My total
1086 Murlen1 321.614

John of Ash

I'm starting something new;

Boar is probably the first leaderless tribe. All important decisions and guidelines are made by consencus so anyone who wants a say can have one.

You can become a cluster recruiter if you want, and input as much as you like into decision processes.

Players with big egos wanting to be leader need not apply, you will not enjoy it. If you want a fair stake in a tribe for your input then please join. If you want to join a tribe for mutual protection and support, but without feeling like a surf, then join as well.

This system of consensual organisation is taken from the Direct Action movement, which protests on environmental and capitalist issues. It works there as the best way to get the most out of a large group of people. It also really confuses the police, which is handy and a good laugh!! I think it will work in Tribal Wars.

I'm in K56