Declaration time again !


fyi, poqq is the only one banning his account, the 'other council members' are his two coplayers.
needless to say the most annoying thing that ever happened to me, but oh well ill get over it,
sinking with my ship on siritz, suposed to be quitting, but may see myself coplaying or taking over another account yet. undecided.


ah well no need for a new thread for this :

Shave decided to go and take a trip we brought some :spear: and :axemen: for the elusive >


We knew cows could jump over the moon, but never seen a hippo jumping over a fence till now.

We also no not to sneak up behind them especially when the come from a tribe named BS


Well as the great hunters we are we like to eat what we kill so we have officially opened up a dinner in advance and are now taking reservations
"Yum Yum, Here We Come"
hmm hippo meat, Ive played in fire before... but never had hippo meat

so with this being said why not slip away in the middle of the night quietly


shaves going hunting for hippos or what ever you change your name to again !


One Last Shot...

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PnPs used to have at least a tiny bit of effort put in to them.


Don't make PnPs that are just pictures. It's poor effort, poor quality and just makes the whole PnP look kind of crap. And no, I'm not flaming for the sake of flaming. I say the same about any crap PnP of this style that I see.


PnPs used to have at least a tiny bit of effort put in to them.


Don't make PnPs that are just pictures. It's poor effort, poor quality and just makes the whole PnP look kind of crap. And no, I'm not flaming for the sake of flaming. I say the same about any crap PnP of this style that I see.

You should reread the others i posted , yeah and this one wasnt worth any effort to be put into it.

Now if you have nothing of interest to add post your spam elsewhere