Discussion: Prolife versus Prochoice


Of which do you support? Linky and I got into a little bit of a querell over it the other day, I'm decidedly prochoice, while he thinks I'm going to rot in Hell.

And right now it is too late at night/early in the morning for me to actually think of a way to word my argument so that it isn't a reply/counter, so I will just say this.

I don't care if they have finger nails, Juno.


Prochoice, all the way. If a woman gets raped, then it's nothing short of inhumane to force her to bear the child.


I believe in prochoice to an extent. It should not be used as a form of birth control. There is no excuse for women to have multiple abortions in their lives.


Depends on the circumstancs of abortion, doesn't it? I mean, I wouldn't want the baby if I was raped, and say for example, if I were some drug addicted crackhead, I wouldn't keep that baby either, for various reasons.

However, if baby was aborted simply because said mother did not want it, I think thats wrong. I believe you should give birth, and if you don't want it, give it up for adoption.


Giving up for adoption is many times harder than you make it out to be.

Furthermore, you'd still be stuck with both pregnancy and with the baby until it's old enough to be given up for adoption. By far not an ideal choice, at all. Especially if you don't have, say, money, or time.


Giving up for adoption is many times harder than you make it out to be.

Furthermore, you'd still be stuck with both pregnancy and with the baby until it's old enough to be given up for adoption. By far not an ideal choice, at all. Especially if you don't have, say, money, or time.

Babies can be given up for adoption at birth...so I am not sure what you mean but stuck with them. Here people are waiting years and years for a baby to adopt.

I agree adoption is a tough choice....but the easiest choice to make if you don't want to suffer any consequences is abstain or use birth control.


May be different per country, then. I know for example that in China there are thousands upon thousands of babies 'left for adoption', only for them to grow up as orphans. Hardly a 'fitting fate', don't you agree?

I still don't see how 'getting pregnant, and then giving up the baby' is an easy choice. I'd say abortion would be an easier choice?

(That, and of course people should use birth-control in the first place. :|)


Yes I think in some instances abortion is the easier choice, but like I said not to be used as a form of birth control. Although I have talked with a few people who have had abortions and the emotional impact on them is tough. I think either way it's a hard and terrible decision to have to be forced to make.

I know China has tons of babies up for adoption ... the reason being they want boys not girls...also the fact it costs over 30K to adopt from there :| If only those countries (and home countries) with excess children in orphanages made it easier and more simplified to adopt. No, I am not saying it's only their fault....but when an adoptive parent must go spend 6-10 weeks in another country that adds significantly to the costs of trying to adopt internationally. Sorry this topic is close to my heart. I just adopted a baby boy in November after having to wait 8.5 years.


Giving up for adoption is many times harder than you make it out to be.

Furthermore, you'd still be stuck with both pregnancy and with the baby until it's old enough to be given up for adoption. By far not an ideal choice, at all. Especially if you don't have, say, money, or time.

O Gawd. We're a match made in Heaven, you and I.

one abortion no more

Why only one?

Depends on the circumstancs of abortion, doesn't it? I mean, I wouldn't want the baby if I was raped, and say for example, if I were some drug addicted crackhead, I wouldn't keep that baby either, for various reasons.

However, if baby was aborted simply because said mother did not want it, I think thats wrong. I believe you should give birth, and if you don't want it, give it up for adoption.

I believe that it is a person's right to choose whether they want to give birth or not. Some parents are just not capable of caring for a young child, or even a pet, in some cases, and I'd hope these parents make the choice to not put a child through a struggle in an orphanage or in an unloving-home.

It's a good point, while I don't think that it would be morally right to abort a birth, just because you don't want it, even if you are in a fit situation to raise and care for it; I do believe that a person should have a choice one way or another, it's their concious to deal wit, and if they can live with it more power to them.


I've always been torn on this one. Nothing is ever black and white.
I do not agree with killing a life.
But, I also don't think 1 mistake should ruin 3 lives.
And the rape situation also means abortion needs to be available.
The option needs to be available. But as with all social dilemma's there are always people who seem to abuse systems. It is no way to be used as a form of contraception.
There are many people who don't seem to learn from mistakes and have a number of abortions. How to solve this bit is the problem??
And as soon you start to try to think of limits or punishments it starts getting ridiculous again.


I think the only proper 'solution' to that dilemma is lots and lots of education on the subject, to the point of making Abortion possible, but unlikeable.

Keep everyone's options open (and thus freedom secured), while not exactly encouraging it. You can never remove 100% of the abuse, but considering the alternatives, this would be both a safe and a useful option.


Abortions for all
Abortions for none
Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others

The Great 1One1

I am pro choice, but having an abortion is one of the hardest things one can experience, even for the father. You cannot know how painful it is until you have experienced it yourself.


/doesnt see what's wrong with abortion.

it's not like they have feelings.


Yes I think in some instances abortion is the easier choice, but like I said not to be used as a form of birth control. Although I have talked with a few people who have had abortions and the emotional impact on them is tough. I think either way it's a hard and terrible decision to have to be forced to make.

I know China has tons of babies up for adoption ... the reason being they want boys not girls...also the fact it costs over 30K to adopt from there :| If only those countries (and home countries) with excess children in orphanages made it easier and more simplified to adopt. No, I am not saying it's only their fault....but when an adoptive parent must go spend 6-10 weeks in another country that adds significantly to the costs of trying to adopt internationally. Sorry this topic is close to my heart. I just adopted a baby boy in November after having to wait 8.5 years.

I thought your son was your own blood.

You kept that one quiet :icon_neutral: