well, we already had a dream tribe during the late *A* days and early on *KC* days
too bad players kept quitting due to different reasons and time constraints kept coming up at the wrong time
My line up would have
1. ZZ
2. Jmk
3. McCurtain
4. Lafond
5. Rand the Dragon Reborn
6. Bestbuy2
7. Bellatrix Camilla
8. Nic (<3

9. Sir Fanu
10. Akisdrakis
11.Kierfrey (too bad thinks didnt work out we almost had her in our tribe once

12. Jethro
13. Hanny97 (original and pimpin both were good)
14. Qats
15. ggo1
16. Rip Van (we almost managed to recall him)
17. Martin Longbow
18. Rnielsen
19. mwfossils
20. Feraldor (a very good player quit early on

21. tommybender (awesome player too bad health issues took him away)
22. Veronica (too bad I forgot her ingame name

, she usually came late to the party but used to get going once there)
23. Dhudson, would have loved to have him on our side, though we had good times with him in K34

24. EmmanuelFr
25. Katheyip (she was my neighbour right from the beginning of the game)
26. Raquel
27. *TheRock* (If MM guys ever wondered where he got his stacks from while they were trying to noble him, then I plead guilty

along with McC, ggo1, mwfossils and Katheyip

28. Jmcgeach
29. El Scorcho (got banned down the line when he left the tribe, mea culpa)
30. Hakushaku
31. SAB
32. TFB (

33. swordmonger
34. branola
35. provonsha (London

36. mwetmore
37. mhausig
38. johnny liverpool (forgot the exact name but he was good player who left early on due to studies)
39. Ben
40. me (meh!)
41. mr.wolf
42. dukefan7777777
43. there were 3 guys in K19 who were really good, i cant remember their ingame names but I was glad they were in the tribe
44. orangina (very helpful )
45-100 lots of names which iv now forgotten but had good times with ingame
mhausig and heath95 would easily figure in most line ups and would be there too