Early Tactics


That's pretty sad if you depend solely on your tribe to fight your battles.


Sort of mixed. Have a bunch of spears saved up from farming before LC, and when LC were still limited in number. Have some swords left over from before axes (but haven't built any since). I also built some archers. More than I really needed I guess, I just had extra wood.

Might or might not train some HC. Other than that, mostly off. Oh and cats.


I have 200 spears of attacking and 50 axes for defence... Also some swords for farming.


offense. done right it's the way to success. done wrong it's gonna get your ass rimmed.


All im going to say is - i pitty those who cant defend themseleves...


Mix. These settings will allow me to do something I have always wanted but never really thought would be economical to do.


I think it's weird, when I see you write stuff Purple Predator, I hear a demeaning voice at the back of my head which says "Send all your axes to me, I want ODD"


Maybe this is just me going out on a limb here, but I think that quite a significant number of the players that have reported a 'mix' build have done so because they don't want to draw attention to the fact that they have a minimal amount of defense in their villages. I'm certainly not tarring everyone with this brush, but I reckon what is being reported here is not representative of whats actually happening in quite a few of these accounts.

Having 150 spears leftover from farming before ya got your LC production going does not constitute a mix build people! :icon_wink:


Yeah, it does really. Mix, by definition purposes, does not mean 50/50, a 80/20 combination is a "mix" as well.


Yeah, it does really. Mix, by definition purposes, does not mean 50/50, a 80/20 combination is a "mix" as well.

I get the impression you are probably aware of what I'm getting at, but I'll reiterate anyways...

I'm aware that the term "mix" does not infer an even split in general terms, but in the manner in which it's used in the context of this game (to me at least) it infers that you have intentionally built troops for the purposes of defending rather than just making a token number to farm with before you can afford LC's. If we are using your definition then pretty much every single player would have a mix build on some level (presuming they wouldnt suicide the spearz this early).

I still maintain that some people who have built almost all 'O' have reported that they have a mix build because if they said otherwise they would feel a lot more vulnerable... (whether this is in fact true or not is a different argument)
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Ah, perhaps so. Not me though, I run about 70% off /30% def right now (counting Scouts as offense of course)

*I mostly do that because being in the core, some nub will think I'm a pointwhore and attack without scouting)


I guess mixed cause I always have a few hundred spears and swords just for those times that some one attacks you with swords.