End of Line


Hi all,

It is with a sad face :( that I announce this.

We $CoD$ admit defeat at the hands of XXXX and hereby surrender to a worthy victorious opponent.

It has been a great war from the beginning, but now it is more a formality :)

It has been great playing with so many good people over the years and it is an honor to have been bested by the best tribe on W22 right now and we wish them all the best to push forward for the win.

XXXX have announced they will be giving no quarter, no recruits and that they will keep gunning for us no matter what so it with a heavy heart I also announce that $CoD$ has begun a dismantling process and will be gone (disbanded) within the next 48 hours.

We made many friends and many enemies and it has been great fun playing and arguing with the whole of the W22 community.

Thank you all for helping shape this game into how it is today.

CONGRATULATIONS XXXX! Now go on and win the world! :-D

All the best and Kind Regards

Side 1:
Tribes: $CoD$
Side 2:
Tribes: XXXX

Timeframe: 04/03/2010 00:00:00 to 19/06/2011 14:40:06

Total conquers:

Side 1: 70,379
Side 2: 90,009
Difference: 19,630


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 3,741
Side 2: 15,135
Difference: 11,394


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 672,743,796
Side 2: 862,525,110
Difference: 189,781,314


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 35,988,730
Side 2: 143,723,926
Difference: 107,735,196




first of all congrats to xxxx for almost wining the world (the rest are considered cleaning up )
they earned it and congrats to cod for standing that long it sure was pleasure playing side by side with the cod guys and it's been been pleasure fighting xxxx while i played congrats to both sides for standing that long .


Thanks for your kind words towards our tribe chris.

Will miss fighting $COD$ & will miss some of you guys too, its been a long hard slog.


Shame it's going to take another year to actually end the world, what with all the cleanup.


Thanks to Chris for graciously admitting defeat. It has been a long road, finally coming to conclusion.

Indeed, no quarter given for us. We've worked hard for what we got.

We've encountered some pretty good players in the process. Some fought well and lost, others had to leave for various reasons while some simply made poor decisions. Such is the nature of the game. And ultimately it is just a game after all. Hopefully winners and losers alike can take some benefit from what went down in W22.


Reaction score
Conkrats to XXXX on winning this war. They are a tough crowd, who work really well together. I have had chats with most of the people attacking me and they are all good people , who play hard but remember it is just a game that is to be played for fun. It has been really interesting meeting and talking with people from around the world.

Great work Forty


Very considerate words Clittleton, all the best for those involved on both sides.


Nice post Chris!

Thanks, it's been and honor - and fun fighting you guys!


Would be nice to see a best of the best w22 tribe join forces to conquer another world, we have a great bunch amongst w22 from a vast number of tribes. Would like to see a few on our side, either that still play or have quit but are still playing TW on other worlds.


well played all, well played. respect to you guys who kept playing and saw this to the end, knew i wouldnt be missed lol

now to randomly split XXXX into groups of 5 and watch it turn into a free for all. after all these years of work its gotta be fun to watch every single K implode with inner fighting. everyone has enough respect for each other to do it in a stylish way. what could be a better way to celebrate than watching XXXX tear down the world they have built? (rather than wait for the mods to take it away)


well played all, well played. respect to you guys who kept playing and saw this to the end, knew i wouldnt be missed lol

now to randomly split XXXX into groups of 5 and watch it turn into a free for all. after all these years of work its gotta be fun to watch every single K implode with inner fighting. everyone has enough respect for each other to do it in a stylish way. what could be a better way to celebrate than watching XXXX tear down the world they have built? (rather than wait for the mods to take it away)


I expect they will want to get the 80 odd % Domination and secure the victory first, then a crazy attack filled implosion could happen before the world gets switched off, that would be a giggle :)


Would be nice to see a best of the best w22 tribe join forces to conquer another world, we have a great bunch amongst w22 from a vast number of tribes. Would like to see a few on our side, either that still play or have quit but are still playing TW on other worlds.

Surely we should now take the chance to escape TW lol!


Well since i was one of the oldest $CoD$ members i would have to say i am disappointed in the result.

I would also however like to say since the birth of the tribe we fought some very good players. Until XXXX we never met anyone who could match our willingness or power. Both sides fought valiantly and there will be memorable moments on each.

I know i fought some very good players. This i believe was the war to end all wars and congratulations must go to XXXX for conquering the world.

Well done XXXX




i dont post on here very much but now the time calls it was great fighting you guys in $CoD$ and was a pleasure talking to some of you ingame as it was a game i hope you all enjoy r/l and maybe see you in another world never know maybe along side each other lol bye $CoD$ members from poop member of the best tribe ever seen in world 22


Congrats to XXXX, you guys deserved it . I know how hard it can be admit defeat as Chris has done.
best wishes to all my former tribemates and foes.



So does that mean players in XXXX will split into tribes and noble each other to make the world more fun?


So does that mean players in XXXX will split into tribes and noble each other to make the world more fun?

What a perverse notion of fun that is, Broly.

No. XXXX will endeavour to win W22 as we're currently constituted, with maybe a few more recruits along the way. Breaking apart XXXX with the end in sight would be utter madness.


bit lame if your going to just end it like that, hell W1 hasnt ended and u want to push for w22 to end... all im saying is im sure if it were to be a free for all, would make things more excited for people


bit lame if your going to just end it like that, hell W1 hasnt ended and u want to push for w22 to end... all im saying is im sure if it were to be a free for all, would make things more excited for people

Dude shut up :D
W22 has no need to make it more exciting for anybody else. XXXX have been together too long for that to happen, and it would not make it more exciting. So shush and let them bask in their victory....