Errr, so... (AKA, I don't bite much, I swear!)


I do (kinda) apologise for going to town on the forum, I'm a nice person really. If topics are started that actually lead to a proper discussion I promise I'll leave them open! As I'm fully aware that mods can sometimes seem too far removed from the userbase, I'm creating this thread for you all to ask any questions you want to ask me, and I will answer them all, provided that they aren't "why have you given me this infraction" (which you can PM me if you want), or other various rule-breaking questions.

I'll try to check this relatively often (provided I'm not up to my eyes in infractions :p), and I promise to answer every question I can!



then I would turn left, or, given reasonably good chances of success, ramp up and to the right for freedom from the shackles of endless left-turning!


Does that mean you back NASCAR to win the war against APOC family?

*politicians answer*

The question I feel is not who will win the war, but rather what the socio-economic outcome of this war will be, and how it will effect the middle classes. Indeed, I feel it is of great concern and worthy of high priority, and that the matter should be dealt with post haste.

What's your favorite color?

/Isn't spam. Wants to know.

I don't really have a favourite colour, though if I were forced to choose, I would say this:


Rather than a favourite colour, I have more of a favourite Hue or depth; I love reds, greens and blues as well as that purple, that all have that rich depth to them.


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

King Matt II

How big are you? :3
And I don't mean height.
