Exile. declares war on envy


Good win to Exile., hats off Anathsr you made Envy crumple in less than a month
30 PHNX 27.820.41127.820.411 29


That would be crumble. And while I love ananth and he knows it? He didn't accomplish this task alone. Hats off to derek and kev along with many others including my fellow mates who took the time and energy to follow through.

Exile to me reminds me of the sea. Watch out for that wave.
Good work mates.


I actually didn't accomplish anything beyond taking my villages. I don't even run the tribe anymore, having taken the trouble to set up excellent leaders to do the job as I am busy with RL and new fatherhood.

The whole family did exceedingly well though, the leaders of the tribes planned operations brilliantly and both the tribes executed with precision. Am proud of how it has panned out though there is still some way to go. Am glad to see Envy or Phoenix as they are now called finally defending and giving us some much needed ODA.


Correction then, well done to the Exile. Family very good showing.


Guess this thread is more or less finished .. The opposition has splintered into many tiny factional tribes and generating accurate stats is more trouble than planning the ops. We shall settle for the territory as there is little pride in boasting with stats from this war anymore.


Glad to see that things played out how they should have.

You all did a brilliant job in this war :)


Congratulations Anan,

Figured this would be the result, but to be honest I thought it would take a LITTLE bit longer lol. More then roughly 2 weeks, at least :icon_wink:
