Implemented Extending bracket size limit to notebook

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Hi all.

When using the main notebook (note, this is NOT about village notebooks), there is a limit of 1000 brackets. This may seem like a lot, but when you use tables it suddenly becomes an extremely small amount.

The proposals are fairly simple, and there is no negative impact on game-play as this would only affect individual accounts.

1. Up the brackets limit. I'd personally like it to be upped by a scale of 10 to 10,000.
2. Up the number of tabs available for premium accounts. I'd personally like it to go from 5 to 10.

This proposal is purely about helping accounts who like to use notebooks for organising themselves to be able to do so with less restrictions.


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Yes please. Formatting in the notebook is important for clear communication. And with a lot of formatting, especially script-generated formatting, you can be restricted to using just tiny fractions of the notebook's character count.

I think the notebook is an extremely valuable tool for organizing your account in a game that is heavy on organization, and its limitations should take that into consideration.


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please for the love of god. make this happen having 5 notebook pages on snipes is just damn right annoying. the notebook is as said above one of the most valuabule and used tools in the game and always has been but its very limiting.


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even though i dont use the notebook in-game (due to the bracket limit - notebook doesnt hold enough info if formatted)

having a similar system to the reports - could help it scale with the player
where you start with a certain amount, then it increases by a certain amount each time you gain a village

Messenger of Peace

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yeah;when your villages increase you can't use notebook effectively for putting op plan in it;so definitely a good idea