Family Tribe


Is there any Family Tribe in W 37?

If yes, then can anybody tell me the name of the family?


There is 28thcu/D-O-G and Ce.Inc/Ci.Inc.
There are probably a lot more than that, but that's all I can come up with off the top of my head.
Just curious, but why do you ask?


This would be apart of that whole spamming thing discussed earlier....

*searches way down on the list to the noob tribes

Yup here is one ~R-L~


Just curious, but why do you ask?

To be frank, I like the Idea "Family Tribe".

It sounds good that there will be a family with some strong tribes.


And thanx mate for ur info, I will check out those.



To be frank, I like the Idea "Family Tribe".

It sounds good that there will be a family with some strong tribes.

Oxymoron. The whole idea of a family is for a bunch of damn near useless players banding together to try and gangbang their betters.


aaa I see... Awesome Idea. I just came to know about this concept : GangBang Attack few days back
And the idea is awesome.


But they dident flame the experinced players and get away with it ...


But they dident flame the experinced players and get away with it ...

Yes, but if the so called experienced guy seems so smart then they will get some tat for their tit



but for now he is just a spammer

well, then is this thred only for talking about COA?


u seen annoying coz u r bugging ppl...........

I suggest u to b more cooperative


Yes, but if the so called experienced guy seems so smart then they will get some tat for their tit


Yeah man im not so sure i agree with you, It seems to me that you might be insinuating that these players are not experienced and are noobs themselves? Now some may be but...

A quick rim around the block will change that opinion. Thanks to some people you have not been flamed but i could see that changing quickly if you did it to others...


I did not mean anything that they are noob. Sometimes they behave like a Daddy that they know everything and have completed a PhD on TW
But they should keep in mind that this game and game forum is also for new players like me.

Try to get my point.


I believe AI told you this before to some people this is not a game .. its their life :icon_eek:


Family (tribe): A group of tribes joined together with a traditionally silly name. Widely renowned for having a ‘numbers > skill’ policy and poor co-ordination/organisation. No true family tribe is complete without an ascii sword.

Oxymoron. The whole idea of a family is for a bunch of damn near useless players banding together to try and gangbang their betters.

lolzz... I think you forgot to chect the above defination.

I think u need to hit this link to be more matured.........



its their life
AI missed that point nyways.......

But Most of the people takes it as a game not as a part of their life..... And I think those who have taken d game as a part of their life are nothing but failure in their RL

correct me if I m wrong.....
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Well it depends on who most of the people are? IF we took an overall statistic then we would get way off becouse overall many players dont stay in the game, so overall many players this is not there life,

But if we took it overall of active players? yes this is there life. Many people wake up in the middle of the night just to send out a farm, Others are on all day, either by a computer or their phone. It is there life, It can ruin relationships, and it is addictive. And i love it