Famous Players

Metal Duck

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Yeah Metal you are so amazing :/ You have yet again, betrayed a leader that has trusted you and was willing to sacrifice a few better members for you just to give you another chance, what did you do? You went yellow at 88 points. You're amazing.

Love you too hun :icon_redface:


I saw my name already and made no posts yet. I have noticed a few players I remember.


*I think you guys should decide on what makes a player famous*

Personally, having played alot of worlds or being in certain ones does not make you famous. Putting your face out on the externals and IG will make you famous. Accomplishing certain tasks deemed impossible by the "General Public" will get you noticed.

Leading a successful mass recruiting tribe.
Top rank with limited activity
Great opening moves(Start up strat)
A player who is very knowledgble
Great Leader

Players can be famous for many other things on the externals, such as, great opinions, spamming, Newspapers...

There is alot of stuff that can make you famous, you just need to find what you are good at and exploit it.
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Well the famous one's are most likely to be the one's under alias, like Nauzhror, for example.


Morthy was a moderator on world 18 I think and is playing now.

I think fame right now is based on what you have done on other worlds but because BP is still up fame is more difficult
He is the cm, and that is from testing the world before it opened.:icon_rolleyes:


I know I am not known I just saw my name that was all but I saw everyones name I have found out that if you die on this world you can end up anywhere. I have not made any posts since last summer.