FEAR Fam vs UA Fams


1) You left FEAR when they were fighting APOC
2) You are fighting FEAR

If 1) is remaining you are a traitor, if 2) is remaining you are a refugee. Simple enough?

:icon_biggrin: Hahaha, well mister.wolf, point 1) is not aplicable, as if you look at the stats FEAR had not been fighting Apoc for quite some time.

Alf left FEAR several weeks before he joined Apoc. He left because he felt that the new dukes had betrayed FEAR (by giving accounts to be sat outside the tribe) I did not return to FEAR because I felt betrayed by the Dukes of FEAR (for asking and accepting an Apoc invite in my name) We both were burnt out from sitting a dozen accounts regularly and trying to get enough FEAR members to give enough of a damn to actually fight...or even support the few who were fighting.

At this stage of the world, there is no refuge from the war...only deciding which side you want to fight with. And Alf and I both agreed we had closer ties of friendship with Apoc than with INF or -MM-

We toyed with the idea of returning to REBEL, and inviting the few active members to join us there...but half of them had followed me to Apoc already, not aware I had not chosen to join myself. So really, it was a no brainer, we chose to stay and fight with our former friends/enemies who we know and (mostly) like, not join a bunch of strangers, delightful as it was chatting to you on the shared forums.

As for fighting FEAR....I have no issues fighting....if you can call it that...accounts which I know are no longer operated by my former tribemates, nor the many inept or inactive players who contributed nothing while a few of us did fight.

There are a few brave FEAR players left...I salute you cjcdoomed, darkvoyagr, draegon eledar, owlmaster(inactive). I am proud to have been your tribemate and your leader, but what you have left is not the once great FEAR, but a hollow shell. :icon_cry:


Like you said you were burnt out from sitting the accounts and we offered to help, you keep saying it like it was a bad thing that we were looking after that accounts that otherwise would have been left to rot...

You keep saying you were betrayed, but how come the person who caused the mess still made it into Apoc? Don't you think they were doing it to cover their ass coz they knew they wouldnt be accepted otherwise?


hmm i smell bs coming from bcruss. i agree with bomberace it seems like you guys were more worried about covering your ... then fighting to the end like how you all told us to do when the tribe was still active. if you guys didn't want to be part of apoc why didn't you guys leave and start up a new tribe? the respect i had for you and alf just went down the drain.


are there any recent stats for this war, i went backwards to page 40 but nothing...


Stats dont matter? Hilarious you are :p

A tough summer... I'm glad MM (ugh, MI) has left me alone, i would have made some nice deathstars.

Side 1:
Tribes: Apoc-F Apoc-W Apoc-N Apoc-D Apoc-H Apoc-N

Side 2:

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 7,125
Side 2: 1,699
Difference: 5,426


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 67,655,544
Side 2: 16,112,188
Difference: 51,543,356



Last Month:

Side 1:
Tribes: Apoc-F Apoc-W Apoc-N Apoc-D Apoc-H Apoc-N

Side 2:

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,360
Side 2: 51
Difference: 1,309


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 13,033,678
Side 2: 486,107
Difference: 12,547,571

Last edited by a moderator:


i think he was just pointing out the fact Fear arnt really doing much anymore


The only ones remaining are mostly inactive... that must be hard to noble that.


Yeah, things change, bomberace. Maybe I am wrong and techno is a loyal Apoc member and sending me over was his ticket in....and maybe I should not have let my anger and pride make the decision for me. FEAR was a great tribe, but by the time I found myself in Apoc, it had lost most of it's active members, and most of the people I played with.

Sometimes one just goes with the momentum of the moment, I would not have joined Apoc, but I was sick of playing in FEAR. I was barely active, but was too proud to just quit, and stayed for the sake of a very few players who were still active. It was nice to find myself in a tribe with an active forum, and good morale. So I stayed.

FEAR made a huge mistake taking in a bunch of L2D2 refugees, who were the first to desert when things got tough, now they are all with Apoc, but then so am I. So I am just another traitor and refugee now :icon_cry:


I call to all Ex-FEAR who are in Apoc to turn into Spies and give me all infos :D :D sometimes. MOuhahahahahahahah


I mean how good do your spies need to be?

They need to be amazing wouldn't they? To somehow overcome such odds? They would need to browse the forums, ask players when they would be attacking...


they can always support the remaining players in their fight. that always slows down a war.


webnewton, you speak to me? Oh yes, my time is coming, but it's not you who will kill me ;)