Fix the incoming attack sound

duck that quacks

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Bug Priority
Medium Bug (gameplay slightly affected)
Bug Type
Functional bug
Bug Occurrence URL;558
Bug Reproduction Steps
Get attacked
Ocasionally there will be no attack sound reproduced
Bug Reproducibility
Happens sometimes
This function is a bit weird, sometimes it works normally and other times it doesn't work at all.
I don't know the mechanics behind it, i dont know if it is supposed to have a maximum reproduction times (which would make sense in case you're receiving a good amount of attacks per second) but that is not what i'm talking about - what I am talking about is that, there are specific times where the game literally does not make any sound with incoming attacks.
I just lost some troops to this, i literally had no clue i had a new incoming arriving because there was no sound alert at all, I dont fully understand what causes this but i just know it happens (not the first time this happened but i get reminded of things when they actually affect me lol)