This isn't about the forums though, this is about criticism of management of the game as a whole. Comments such as
Creating Topics only serves to increase public unrest and will not solve any problems.
purely exists to prove the point that they are unwilling to accept criticism, it has been blatantly stated by them that we are not allowed to criticize on the forums. That's why I am asking is this in relation to everything or just banning, etc.?
So my question remains, I do not wish to bad mouth the forum mods, I have no complaints at all for that matter but I think that if there are criticisms of the game as I know there are, a player should be able to openly discuss that flaw (not insult!) on the forums to ask others opinions and the like. As a business they should always be open to criticisms rather than asking people to submit support requests from which no one else can be aware of the issue.
If you wish to create a topic regarding moderation, please contact the relevant Mod first.
Again, another example of blocking ones opinions for others. I fail to see why constructive criticism should be contained in a private dialogue where the issue can not be dealt with properly without knowing the full extent of the issue.