Found Tw24

koa anubis

I am dissapointed, along with many of you i'm sure, that Hallo23 has created Found on Tw24.
He has been stripped of his privalleges on Tw23 due to the fact he is giving the Found on Tw23 a bad name by yet again mass recruiting.
I would just like to make it clear that Tw23 Found is under new leadership, Myself and Pregus, along with a few trusted council members and that we will do whatever we can to strip Tw23 Found, of its n00b name. We have dismissed all people who we believe to be noobs, people that forum spam, 1st timers sent away to learn how to play and generally cleaning up.

For the future i would like to declare war on Tw24 Found so Tw23 Found is not affected by its mass recuiting nooby leader who doesnt even speak english.
I am sorry for this post but it had to be done.
Who is with me on declarance?

koa anubis

Not anymore they don't Iceilater is right, and thankyou for seeing my point of view, i will now share with you guys what should have been done a long time ago!


No, you still fail. When I infiltrated Found in 23, there was every sign of you being a terrible leader. And now you come on to another world to get their respect, because you know the w23 community sees right through you. I revealed you for the crap leader you are, and everyone else will continue to know your terrible leadership.

koa anubis

The Downfall Of Found...

ToxicToChildren said:
No, you still fail. When I infiltrated Found in 23, there was every sign of you being a terrible leader. And now you come on to another world to get their respect, because you know the w23 community sees right through you. I revealed you for the crap leader you are, and everyone else will continue to know your terrible leadership.

Actually there was every sign of Hallo23 being a bad leader, Me and Pregus had not assumed command then.
Anyway, i have completed the duty you all wished someone would do so badly, and with new leadership in Tw23 i only hope that i can gain the lost respect Hallo threw away.

The Downfall Of Tw24 Found:


I didn't even have to try and word it right, i tried something cheesy and that i knew he would snap up due to his want of power :D


Next I took the liberty to dismiss the tyrant who knew nothing except how to click the recruit button.
At the same time i dismissed him from Tw23 Found aswell.


I then took the liberty to purge his forum :p


I then decided i would do the right thing by everyone...

I hope i did you all a great favour, yet it was not for you, but for the respect of my Tw23 tribe.



the moment i joined the world and saw how big they were...i literally said "they are toast"

thanks for proving me right! =)


u idiot its a game not a life or death situation grow some balls and next time fight him and his tribe when their established. rather then being the tweed boy you are nd doing it like a retard with no respect or honour.


Found sucks. The only chance in world 23 you guys would be in the top 10 are these options.

1. You mass recruit for the first week or so to stay on top

2. A astroid hits somewhere near tw's location and messes up a server and deletes all tribes besides Found.

So by hoping that your little noob tribe in 23 is saved by delcaring war on Found world 24 is a decent plan but the problem is you cant have cross world wars

koa anubis

So by hoping that your little noob tribe in 23 is saved by delcaring war on Found world 24 is a decent plan but the problem is you cant have cross world wars

Thats why i re-instate my claim and declare war on [S-Y],
Anyone willing to annihalate this mass noob tribe who prefer quantity over quality, you are not alone :icon_twisted: