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Welcome the the official threa of free-eekism.

Beware, for I am a devoted follower of Free-eekism. it is a strong belief, and unsurmountable belief and one of immense strength. Here are the rules of Free-eekism:

Thou shalt spread the word or Free-eek, we must speak out against these families at every opportunity.

Thou shalt attack every member of a family tribe with in your 13x13.

Thou shalt only join a family if your intentions are to gain their trust, get set as duke then disband them.

Thou shalt use well coordinated attacks with other noble warriors to confuse these cowards.

When you are choosing noble targets always try to eliminate one of their numbers.

Thou shalt relieve this horrors of their excess resources often.

Thou shalt never never never allow your tribe to be become allies with these dark forces.

Thou shalt taunt and ridicule all members of these families when they cry about your attacks.

Thou shalt mislead them and even on occasion lie to them to gain their trust only to abuse it later.

Thou shalt spam spam spam and spam some more.

So speaketh [player]Free-eek[/player] 1st priest of the almighty church of Free-eekism


Loyal followers of the Church of Free-eekism:

[player]Free-eek[/player] 1st priest of the church of Free-eekism
[player]Harlos[/player] 2nd priest of the church of Free-eekism

[player]Blod Vigtonn[/player]
[player]Vercetti 69[/player]
[player]Version 2.8[/player]

Contact any of the above players to join the church of Free-eekism
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As High Priest of Free-eekism I approve of this thread.

*Mods it's an anti-family tribe religion therefor it is P&P.

To be a member of our new faith you must abide by only the following rules:

Thou shalt spread the word or Free-eek, we must speak out against these families at every opportunity.

Thou shalt attack every member of a family tribe with in your 13x13.

Thou shalt only join a family if your intentions are to gain their trust, get set as duke then disband them.

Thou shalt use well coordinated attacks with other noble warriors to confuse these cowards.

When you are choosing noble targets always try to eliminate one of their numbers.

Thou shalt relieve this horrors of their excess resources often.

Thou shalt never never never allow your tribe to be become allies with these dark forces.

Thou shalt taunt and ridicule all members of these families when they cry about your attacks.

Thou shalt mislead them and even on occasion lie to them to gain their trust only to abuse it later.

Thou shalt spam spam spam and spam some more.


also, dont forget Volkov, who has recently agreed to join our cause
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Mods also we got permision from: Mimelim, an elder moderator :p

Its because I can't sleep. I'm in a hotel in Boston (Harvard interview tomorrow) and I am too nervous to sleep. Saw the reports and I jumped right on it. Now, stop derailing threads, and watch the sigs :p. Anyways, no more discussion of this stuff here. If you REALLY want to talk about the fun you had here make a new thread for all I care. Just not here :p.


smells Bann:icon_eek:

No, this is a fun way of spreading anti-family propaganda.

Therefor the mods won't give bans as long as we don't take over anymore threads.

I got an infraction finally.

"If you continue to spam/derail threads on purpose, I will ban you personally."


/I scared, it's sounds like he's coming to my house to bitch slap me.


If you REALLY want to talk about the fun you had here make a new thread for all I care. Just not here :p.

Heres the proof. ANd thankies Mimelim, and good luck with the interview :icon_biggrin:

vercetti 69

I'll join, didn't want to post anything on other thread ;) figgured he was handing out infractions like candy.


I got an infraction finally.

"If you continue to spam/derail threads on purpose, I will ban you personally."


/I scared, it's sounds like he's coming to my house to bitch slap me.

got the same one... tis rather scary just sat burning in my inbox....


So outside those guidelines [rules sounds so German] we can do as we wish?

If so then bring on the booze and women :lol:


you have to put "All hail the massiah" on your signature

and put the first post thing on your in game profile if you want


w00t! no infraction here!

/me is an inferior spammer..
/me needs to work harder to impress lord free-eek..
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