Funny attacks and successful defences.


someone tell me who is this SirEwok person...he is as cool as otd...o_O

Well considering I've already introduced myself twice already, and all you'd need to do would be to click on my profile to find out who I am, I doubt anyone will help you, nublet.


you don't know w9 as well as i long as you don't war them, they are the greatest people in the world...Lub ya guys

(except for is creepy)


Wait, why did you quote my post? :icon_neutral:

Well done, you've out-retarded a retard.

I am afraid you are blind

We can all see you edited your post and it was quoted enough times...maybe you should use your brain so you dont look so stupid in future.

seems it is you who is stupid :icon_eek:
There would be plenty of reasons for editing it. You chose 1, I hope your intelligence isnt as limited as that..


seems it is you who is stupid :icon_eek:
There would be plenty of reasons for editing it. You chose 1, I hope your intelligence isnt as limited as that..

Are you actually trying to make us believe that you didnt edit your post for that reason...your post has been quoted, end off...get over it, its old news.


wow, i didn't think it was possible to make posts that make me feel stupider for reading. but it seems that mrdragonman has succeeded, for having had to read your totally nonsensical posts i actually feel stupider...


I am afraid you are blind

seems it is you who is stupid :icon_eek:
There would be plenty of reasons for editing it. You chose 1, I hope your intelligence isnt as limited as that..

you know, most people, when the evidence against them is overwhelming, give in. you're either too proud to admit you were wrong, or too stupid. i'll leave people to make their own decision on that 1.


you know, most people, when the evidence against them is overwhelming, give in. you're either too proud to admit you were wrong, or too stupid. i'll leave people to make their own decision on that 1.

No man with pride would side with DNS.