Funny Family Jokes

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How to score: 0 if the statement is never true, 1 if it is rarely true, 2 if it is sometimes true, and 3 if it is always true.

1. ___ Ye hop tribes and ye 1st noble is an internal

2. ___ Ye hop tribes and ye 1st noble is a barb

3. ___ the majority of ye nobles are internal and barbs

4. ___ People have trouble understanding your nobles cause they nay be in a family tribe

5. ___ When ye are recruiting new members ye let them know ye have a bunch of internals they can have

6. ___ The number of players in ye family tribes exceeds the number of players allowed in a tribe

7. ___ No one has time to wait for microwave TV dinners.

8. ___ "Family meetings" are often about who is innactive and who gets to noble them asap

9. ___ You have to defend ye family status on TW forums cause some stupid pirate keeps talking about ye

10.___ tribal leaders give ye cudos fer nobling ye quota of internals so ye nay lose points as a tribe

How you rate:
30 - A perfect score. Welcome to the neighborhood!
20-29 - You are doing reasonably well, but still need to work on ye family skillz. Crank it up.
10-19 - You have mastered some of the aspects of the family life, but still have a long way to go. Have you considered talking to a unw40 player?
0- 9 - Ye call yeself a TW player? What do you do anyway hang out with pirates?
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