Funny In-Game messages


In here, I want you to post all funny In-Game Messages, and nothing else

Do not spam in here, and do not go off-topic. Doing so will either get you a warning or an infraction, depending on how nice I am feeling, or on what you put.


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hi said:
Apha BlooD today at 21:48
Account sitting is probably 1 of the most important parts of play in first week. This is because upgrades take minutes and hours.

I will assign members that have time to account sit for this first week of world 31, this is to ensure our that we reach our top potenial as players and as tribe.

This is only for first few days of growth so if you are ask if you would like a sitter plz consider it.

This is mostly while you sleep or work..

If you can help tribe account sir first few day,,add name here..

I got this, funny thing is. I am not in his tribe, or any tribe.


Not Messages But...

Sent Dec 26,2008 20:59
eliasthewolf3 invites you to the tribe Against All Others

Sent Dec 26,2008 21:11
eliasthewolf3 invites you to the tribe Against All Others

Sent Dec 26,2008 21:17
eliasthewolf3 invites you to the tribe Against All Others

Sent Dec 26,2008 21:21
eliasthewolf3 invites you to the tribe Against All Others


Wanna Be Friends? said:
Teh homeless cookie today at 22:24
I think we should work together untill we receive world domination!!! >:D
siba1973 today at 22:33
ok fine i think too
Teh homeless cookie today at 22:37
Great! As I beleive you are fairly new to the game I'm gonna give you some advices!
Start with lvl your timber camp, clay pit and iron mine up alot
Now build up your warehouse alot
Now make a higher farm so you can make the mines and the warehouse a bit higher
Now make a statue so you can make a paladin and attack the barbs
More troops will be unnessessary untill around 830 points
siba1973 today at 22:43
thx alot i will

I just got a juicy farm :icon_cool:


hi said:
Teh Itsy Cookie today at 01:25
hi since we are so close i think we should work together for world domination, what do you think?

a2z22a today at 01:41
hmmm. ze domination. sounds good to me. Love the name btw ;p

domin-ate aarrr!

Teh Itsy Cookie today at 01:43
Great! As I beleive you are fairly new to the game I'm gonna give you some advices!
Start with lvl your timber camp, clay pit and iron mine up alot
Now build up your warehouse alot
Now make a higher farm so you can make the mines and the warehouse a bit higher
Now make a statue so you can make a paladin and attack the barbs
More troops will be unnessessary untill around 830 points

a2z22a today at 01:43
Ross just told me you're cookie!!!~!~!

Long time no chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teh Itsy Cookie today at 01:44
Im who?

a2z22a today at 01:45
cookie42069, from CEG?

Teh Itsy Cookie today at 01:45
Umm no...

a2z22a today at 01:45
hm how strange. Sorry ^^

Teh Itsy Cookie today at 01:46
lol whos ross?

a2z22a today at 01:46

Teh Itsy Cookie today at 01:47
okay lol well if you look at my tribe you will realise were all cookies :D

a2z22a today at 01:49
WOW...that's a lot :D

Teh Itsy Cookie today at 01:55
lol so anyway follow my advice and then we will dominate our area :D

a2z22a today at 01:56
YAY...well...I gotta find a tribe or I'll be owned ;D

Might wait a bit

Teh Itsy Cookie today at 02:12
Nah i will protect you, just remember that recourses and warehouse are the most important until you get up to about 830 points, but you will want a palidon to farm the barbs around us, i will protect you :D

a2z22a today at 02:18
Hehe yeah, I can normally not be bothered with farming a lot.

Yes I copied you ebil lol I was surprised it worked :D


Muffinz united<3 said:
trey77 on 26.12. at 23:26
Are you sxi a wapest? or a everyday druggie?

If so luffz* iz the tribe for you!

If youd like to join our path to muffination wright back and rember we love you!

This will be one heck of a tribe.


Hey said:
WhatMeNo today at 01:27
Are you new to the game?

WhatMeNo today at 03:04
Hey you should get your resources up really high, and don't really worry about troops. Just keep growing no need for troops until you get ready to take a second village, which is awhile from now.

Nickthegrip today at 03:59
Yeah brand new - as in a couple hours :) Got any suggestions?

WhatMeNo today at 04:03
Keep bringing your resource levels up, and not much else.

WhatMeNo today at 04:05
Here's a guide I received from a friend:

Start with lvl your timber camp, clay pit and iron mine up alot
Now build up your warehouse alot
Now make a higher farm so you can make the mines and the warehouse a bit higher
Now make a statue so you can make a paladin and attack the barbs
More troops will be unnessessary untill around 830 points

Nickthegrip today at 04:06
Ok, excellent, thanks alot, most appreciated :)



Hello said:
Kool G Rap today at 01:06
Hello, as the Duke of the current rank 4 tribe and the tribe I honestly feel will be rank 1 once mass recruitors have failed I'd suggest you restart to a safer location. I'm currently rank 2 on W29 and rank 10 on W30 under different names and absolutely excel at startup in general.

Dark*Rain today at 01:12
well you might need some one like me ;). ive been looking for a tribe like yours in this world. dont get me wrong you might not even need me but i promise you in many worlds that ive played in ive made tribes shiver in fear to my tribe. not by wars but by diplomacy. this isent no lie ive done this for my tribe in w13 when i used to play it and im currently doing in in w22. different user name of course. well im sure you would rather want a experienced player to join then some noob. am i right ;)

Dark*Rain today at 01:29
you still havent replayed

Kool G Rap today at 01:31
Whoops honestly didn't see the mail till now. If you restart and pick northeast I'll send you an invite. It might sound like some ploy to get you to restart but I promise that it isn't and I will send the invite I just have a policy that i will not recruit players within members 7x7's, this way we only compete with other tribes and not with each other for farms.

Dark*Rain today at 01:37
well that isent true what happens when one of the members get farmed everyone is too far away to send troops. i think the two of us can share this part of k45. your ranked high so you already got a target on you head. if little tribes find out your nobling there members there going to attack like a bunch of ants and your the grasshopper lol. but trust me im also going to grow quickly so if anything like that happens im going to shove my foot up the a$$ ;).

Kool G Rap today at 01:39
I'll do just fine without tribe members real close to me. I'm rank 2 on W29 and rank 10 on W30. All us being close to each other would do is slow us both down, moreso you than me.

Dark*Rain today at 01:42
come on you know it and i know it once this world gets filled up with thousands of noobs theres no way you can farm them all.

Kool G Rap today at 01:45
To the contrary I know I can and have done so in the past.

Dark*Rain today at 01:45
so have i

Dark*Rain today at 01:48
well its not good to make enemys at this time. we can do more damage to the noobs around us together then aiming at each others trouts.

Kool G Rap today at 01:56
Everyone's my enemy, when BP ends I clear everyone in my 25x25, nothing changes about that ever.

Dark*Rain today at 04:40
so be it

Kool G Rap today at 07:19
You're a joke. You claim tribes have feared your tribes due to diplomacy not war like that's a good thing. Diplomacy is for the weak. Then you join a tribe led by Nightmare*. I dismissed Nightmare* for attempting to orchestrate a merge with the rank 1 tribe something I am not at all interested in. If my goal had been to become rank 1 I'd have twice as many members as I do and I wouldn't have a rule against recruiting in existing member's 7x7's.

What a moron.


I quit the world so i have none and i admitt i have none. Btw i knew you were going to say that so i dont care but seriously Nauzhror do you have Combat xp?


I quit the world so i have none and i admitt i have none. Btw i knew you were going to say that so i dont care but seriously Nauzhror do you have Combat xp?

Yes, I have 23.7 million OD roughly 11.5 is ODA and ODD pretty evenly split. Rank 168 on world, rank 25 OD on world.


Which world, i checked your account and it does not say it. I had a bit of a rough start in w6, but i got dramatically bored there so i quit to w11, and i had an good OD, ranked 200 or 300, not to shallow...

*Shakes hand :D


Which world, i checked your account and it does not say it. I had a bit of a rough start in w6, but i got dramatically bored there so i quit to w11, and i had an good OD, ranked 200 or 300, not to shallow...

*Shakes hand :D

W19 and I never said this name, that was why I said log on W19.


friendly warning said:
Alexio Corbeille today at 11:03
Just a friendly warning, I heard that some of your villagers are plotting to overthrow you as a governor. But don't wory I've got an escape route if you want to live.

Press the munu buttons in following order
>>>>Start over
(type in your password)
This is a secret hack that lets you escape from those pesky villagers and lets you start a new village on the outer rim. Outer rim villagers are a more cooperative... or so I heard. Go and start your village there.

I will watch those rebelius peasants, clear any allies they might seek out in any of the nearby villages, and make ready for your return.

Misterius friend

EpicBlade03 today at 11:08
cool, thanks for the heads up... im new to this game. i dont know why my villages would do that.

EpicBlade03 today at 11:08
are u sure this will stop it?

Alexio Corbeille today at 11:11
I'm preety sure of it. I've had the same problem before. Not much that can be done. I think the developers put it in as a random occurance, but I think it mostly happens in starting villages that are joined the game close to the start of teh server.

EpicBlade03 today at 11:15
ok done! i think the bug is reset... wanna be PA now :)

Alexio Corbeille today at 11:21
Sure thing. But are you sure you followed those instructions correctly? I'm preety sure the bug's tied to the coordinates and owner matrix. There's no way to move your village 1 space over to the left or right to lose the reference string in the bug, so the only way is the one I listed. But once the village has no owner, you can renoble it back and it'll work normaly.

EpicBlade03 today at 11:23
...i think it worked!

Alexio Corbeille today at 11:29
I didn't wanna mention this to you before,
but I'm preety sure that bug is contagius.

Now if you wanna waste time on a village for some glitch to ruin it for you later, then I can respect that desition. But my village is the closest to yours! That means if anyone's going to get infected, then it's going to be me! All that could be done to contain the infection is to distrupt the [{owner};{coordinates}] matrix; if you dont want to change coordinates, then all I have left is to change the owner. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO CONTAIN THE BUG! THIS IS THE ONLY WAY!

Looking at the "03" at the end of his name made me curius.... and then my curiosity led me to find EpicBlade01 and EpicBlade02 in this same world. I think I'll send a similar message to his other accounts to see how long it takes him to realize that he's not just scrued... he's busted.


Hello. said:
wilky1992 today at 15:23
hey, can you do me a favour by starting over?

nobre77 today at 15:40
what kind of favour?

wilky1992 today at 15:41
Restarting, it would benefit both of us.

nobre77 today at 15:43
I started last night

wilky1992 today at 15:44
Okay, go to:
Settings > Start Over > Enter your password > Click ok.

Do it, it will benefit you.

nobre77 today at 15:49
what are the benefits?

wilky1992 today at 15:56
You start far away from me, make sure to choose north-west, we don't have to share barbarian villages. You get an extra 50 points to help you on your way.

He actually started over =/


a said:
black-bird today at 20:25
as you like

Make Me Bad today at 20:26
u really had to make new mail, and like it isn't enough that you spammed me with invitation. You realize it is bad waking up sleeping lion, don't you?

black-bird today at 20:31
i don't like to talk to much , ok sorry because i invite you
please sleep "lion"

This message has been forwarded by black-bird.

Make Me Bad today at 20:33
This is 3rd mail u have made. If you are searching for troubles i will make sure u get them soon enough. You are underestimating me, and humiliating me.

black-bird today at 20:38
i send 2 mail , now 3
don't make angery or you will pay , if forget to tell you something , if you need troubles , i can make you so much troubles
GO TO HELL <- (lol didn't know n00bs can use colours ^^)

This message has been forwarded by black-bird.

Make Me Bad today at 20:46
Do you know cursing can get you banned? Do you really wanna be banned while i steal resources from your village? Now be nice boy a stop making any new mail or i will be forced to stop you ;]

take care my little friend

He is clicking forward instead of replay. :lol: I wanna see his response when BP ends. :icon_redface: More to come later.