Funny story

Lady Mihaela Targaryen

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Subject Noobslayerpro

supports 001 DORSET
Sent Dec 17, 2012 00:44:10

Subject Noobslayerpro supports 001 DORSET
Sent Dec 17, 2012 05:49:48

those were the sup troops after his nobles ,nobles that i killed,usually a player withdraws those troops especially if he has other att troops on the way not him though

and he had 14 hrs to do that ,the result of not withdrawing being this :

and this

hey i will probably get cq in the end ,but wow this is funny


you are not from this world why show it here and 300 paladins are you kidding me?


I guess you should delete Archers and Mounted Cavalry in that report. It doesn't seem right :)


The wierdest thing is that guy sent 2 nobles in a single nuke


Looks to me as though he was dodging attacks and expected you to be empty, only explanation.


The wierdest thing is that guy sent 2 nobles in a single nuke

LMAO. Firstly you can't count, and secondly you are clearly such a noob as you have never heard of this tactic before. Such a bad troll, go back to your cave.


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LMAO. Firstly you can't count, and secondly you are clearly such a noob as you have never heard of this tactic before. Such a bad troll, go back to your cave.

Lol bit harsh Rich :p But anyway Rich is right.. some people send 2 nobles in one attack which minimises the risk of one noble dying. For instance if half the nuke in the train dies, the noble will die, however 2 nobles in one attack ensures one noble gets through if half a nuke survives. I personally don't use this tactic but can understand why some do.


he has definitely not liked it and yeah I know the trick but I prefer sending a nuke or 2 in front of the train and see the second attack then tell me I can't count


Either way, doesn't explain the 4 nobles in the other nuke...

And don't forget that those are his troops in the village that are killing his nukes...


I can understand attacking with 2 or 4 nobles but for sure can't understand the bad landing times. Why send support and after 14 hours send clearing attacks with nobles? Either he messed up the timings and the targets or he was...drunk? :p