Gamer Girl Bath Water & Strawberries Distribution™ Co. under threat

Tueur De Roi

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It is with a grave heart that I must inform the world 125 community, that Gamer Girl Bath Water & Strawberries Distribution Co. is under threat of removal by the 'Deep' tribe. Recognizing the threats that are just outside of this mega cluster in the north, I sent a mail to what I assume is the Duke of Deep(though one can never be sure) seeking diplomacy:


As you can see, they are merely here to "have fun" and do not "take kindly" to Diplomacy. A shame really, because we do not take kindly to attacks.

While I do not doubt that this little tribe of noobs will perish from the world as the "elites" NAP/Ally their competition and fill their areas with pusher and basher accounts.

We here at Gamer Girl Bath Water & Strawberries Distribution ™ Co. can take some pride in the fact our diplomacy looks like the true elite tribes of the past.


I hope you all enjoy this, being surrounded by nothing but enemies is invigorating it changes the way you approach the game both in the build of your village and the way you treat your neighbors. Maybe some of you, who consider yourselves the elite, will remember what it used to be to call yourself elite, what the greats did and how they played they game. They didn't play to win a world, to gloat and show off (well maybe a little gloating and showing off ;) ). They did it for the thrill of it, the test of skill as you attempted to noble someone who was equal in skill and would backtime you or cancel snipe.

Maybe. Or maybe sim city for the first 2 months of the world is just the name of the game now. 1644824118704.png

As a side note, at least the (current) #3 player in the world Device* will have some ODA to show for his 3 villages. ((((= What an exciting way to play the game!

I hope Deep get their share of fun!
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Eakshow McGee

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Tueur De Roi

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My spy in Deep making sure to keep an eye out for me.



Also my understanding of the Diplomacy in the North seems to be out dated to what it was a couple days ago, so to any tribes that I may have misrepresented, my apologies. Things move fast! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Non-stop Poster
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Hi Kriegselend ,

I Notice you mention about BB being feeder or Push accounts for hoodie do you not think that's rather hypocritical when it is your member ---Enigma--- who has Infact had 2/3 of he's push accounts banned. Should you not dismiss him with immediate effect or do you condone pushing?

Tueur De Roi

Non-stop Poster
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Hi Kriegselend ,

I Notice you mention about BB being feeder or Push accounts for hoodie do you not think that's rather hypocritical when it is your member ---Enigma--- who has Infact had 2/3 of he's push accounts banned. Should you not dismiss him with immediate effect or do you condone pushing?

Also my understanding of the Diplomacy in the North seems to be out dated to what it was a couple days ago, so to any tribes that I may have misrepresented, my apologies. Things move fast! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As for Enigma, it seems the mods have made their punishment.

Tueur De Roi

Non-stop Poster
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I Wouldn't want to play with someone who makes 3 accounts to push ,but if that's the calibre of people you want in your tribe good luck to you.

Well thats good and dandy, I have no luxury. Did you forget it was I who uncovered his third account and reported all 3 myself?


But lets be realistic, you don't care about him pushing accounts, you just want revenge on him for doing a nasty back time on your member ScholarKwon


Ooops. Wait a second this the same Scholar?

ScholarKwon Feb 10, 20:17
May I ask if you are a friend of [player]kekeROT[/player] as well?

I heard he is premade with some of your tribe members.


Kriegselend Feb 10, 20:17
I am a good friend of kekeROT. What may I assist you with?


ScholarKwon Feb 10, 20:24
I was just wondering about your premade members

If they want to form a new tribe

And if I can possibly join when you think of forming one.

Kriegselend Feb 10, 20:44
Hmm, might I ask why you aren't happy with your current tribe?


ScholarKwon Feb 10, 20:47
Well, I am just not happy about council's restrictive policies.
They are basically ordering almost everything haha

Before we go on, are there many members of your premade friends around me?

If that's the case, we can't really form a new tribe as our new tribe will be concentrated in small area.

Kriegselend Feb 10, 21:22
Ahh thats understandable. I don't think any of us are dissatisfied with our current place in the tribe though, but I can ask them to make sure. :)


ScholarKwon Feb 10, 21:37
I see well then :)

Lets see how the future unfolds.

ScholarKwon Feb 10, 21:37
Just one last question,

ScholarKwon Feb 10, 21:37
Any of these players part of your premade?


Weird he sent me and several members of my tribe similar messages!

But since you are intent on burning all bridges lets go ahead and talk about your shady way of handling Diplomacy.

First we had a temp NAP with you and you offered an academy status with the conditions that we give you every members troop counts AND give one of your members baron status.

Then you offered to upgrade our NAP to permanent status but also left academy on the table. But then permanent NAP offer was removed (after already being decided on) because of a "tribe vote" but kept the academy offer on the table. When we negotiated fair terms and agreed to go forward as an academy, we were unceremoniously removed from your discord without a single word from anyone in your tribe.

I hope the tribes in your area take note of how you conduct yourselves with Diplomacy. :)
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Tueur De Roi

Non-stop Poster
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U should update your profile, i think new reports have arrived :D

This the play? 3.5 tribes full of cheaters who backstabbed the alliance with 420 and then backstabbed the nap with Squad, are now flexing that they managed to *finally* kill a tribe that was largely noob and/or casual. You only waited long enough into the game to make sure you had what 12 noble trains spread across your OP? Scared of some casuals?


You guys are impressive. I look forward to your exploits in the future.


Well-Known Member
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This the play? 3.5 tribes full of cheaters who backstabbed the alliance with 420 and then backstabbed the nap with Squad, are now flexing that they managed to *finally* kill a tribe that was largely noob and/or casual. You only waited long enough into the game to make sure you had what 12 noble trains spread across your OP? Scared of some casuals?

View attachment 10265

You guys are impressive. I look forward to your exploits in the future.
Wow seems like everyone is back stabr on this world except for FAmILY. It’s a sad what people to do to win a video game…….
Do not worry Kriegs I will never allow FAMILY to be backstab.


New Member
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This the play? 3.5 tribes full of cheaters who backstabbed the alliance with 420 and then backstabbed the nap with Squad, are now flexing that they managed to *finally* kill a tribe that was largely noob and/or casual. You only waited long enough into the game to make sure you had what 12 noble trains spread across your OP? Scared of some casuals?

View attachment 10265

You guys are impressive. I look forward to your exploits in the future.

Dont cry. Good luck for w126

Tueur De Roi

Non-stop Poster
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Lol Did you go there cuz u were a chicken?

A chicken? :rolleyes:

No, I went there because when a tribe full of 75+ backstabbing, cheating monkeys is on my doorstep, I don't plan to quit.

Don't worry, y'all the fools at the end of the day.
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Well-Known Member
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This the play? 3.5 tribes full of cheaters who backstabbed the alliance with 420 and then backstabbed the nap with Squad, are now flexing that they managed to *finally* kill a tribe that was largely noob and/or casual. You only waited long enough into the game to make sure you had what 12 noble trains spread across your OP? Scared of some casuals?

View attachment 10265

You guys are impressive. I look forward to your exploits in the future.

People already using trains to noble ? :(