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nice of you to drag my name into this thread lambezz. :)


lamby part of the reason you're tied for 2nd place fav person--i love your flames lol


and you're scared of Ram. Lets not forget about that shall we? :)


Yep. Still doesn't make her any more likable. This is getting OT now. will stop posting here.


and you're scared of Ram. Lets not forget about that shall we? :)
No, I'm not scared of RAM...that's what has them weirded out. Sure, until recently being rimmed wasnt exactly my ideal event to occur, but you shouldn't mistake respect for fear.

and yeah, look at my tribe: just the main pack itself alone is in the top 20 :)
19 WOLFPK 2,539,306 2,539,306 23 110,405 310 8,191
31 WLFPKA 1,507,857 1,507,857 10 150,786 206 7,320
46 WLFPKB 125,360 125,360 18 6,964 32 3,918

And as for likable? Try getting to know the real me, why dont you?
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What do i DO:Girls?
What I do On here(tw):Laugh at nerd all day
In Game Worlds:Only w44 is what I play now, I started w52 but got bored fast
Music:Eminem,Rise Against,Boys Like Girls, Avenged Sevenfold,Drake,Punk,everything but blues and country
Pets:One dog,one cat
Favorite Person on Forums:All them storm haters who I call gay :)

so i guess you hate all of Ram because they hate us?


Lambert21, my predecessor said a lot of hateful things about a lot of people...lamby's referred to what Pete called him on more than one occasion

btw, for the record, i don't hate RAM or STORM...there are people in both i like and people in both i could do well without knowing them.


Nicole would have to be my non mod fav person, closely followed by ElleKay. <3

Woooooo. <3. (consider where the conversation is going off topic now, I would consider this post on topic. :icon_razz: )


Yeah, COUGH OnTopic COUGH, I don't want my thread getting locked. :(
There are people here who have read or poste dbut gave us nothing, come on people tell us things. :)


k heres something. sometimes i write poems...
heres my latest:

Victory or Death

Its goodbye to the shortcuts,
Hello to the grind,
Nobody said
It would be an easy ride.

There's no retreat,
We must drive on,
Deception and Con.

Must find a way,
To win this fight,
To battle through
our hopeless plight.

Pushing forward,
Without a fuss,
The odds heavily
stacked against us.

Our Comrades with us,
Standing near,
Hearts stopped still,
Gripped in fear.

The time has come,
To start the attack,
Outnumbered, Outgunned,
But friends at our back.

Bravery and Courage,
Fills our Hearts,
Each man, each woman,
Playing their parts.

No retreat,
No surrender,
fighting against,
our social ender.

Our people strong,
The fighting tough,
The support received
Is never enough.

Stubborn Bastards,
We'll never give up,
Their defences falling,
Their supplies cut.

We will fight on,
Till our final breath,
The only outcome;
Victory or Death!

By Ainsley Lambert


Here's my two latest poems (game-related no less)
Hunting beneath the Moon
Beneath the Moon
Under the Stars
She Hunts

The Silver Wolf
Padding silently
Across the fields
She Hunts

Her cubs are being cared for
By the pack
While She Hunts

Hungry for raw meat
She looks in the core
She Hunts

Protector of her cubs
(Like Four Musketeers
They play
Unaware of the Danger
That surrounds them)
She Hunts

She finds their food
Kills it
Brings it back to the Den
And again, She Hunts

Who is She,
This Silvery One
Who guards her brood?

It is She
The Mama Wolf
Teacher sometimes
Student all the time
Justice when needed

It is not always
For food
That She Hunts

She Hunts for Knowledge
She Hunts for Understanding
She Hunts for Wisdom

She sniffs the night air
Locates a village for food
She Hunts

She finds the raw meat
Surprised there are no maggots
But it has been attacked
By this worm
And by that worm, too

So she shakes it
and then takes it
To her den
And her pack

Who is it,
This one who hunts?

It is I
Mama Wolf

poem by Ali Ducharme 19/10/2010 9:42:30[/SPOIL]
No longer stuck between worlds
Nor between rival tribes
The wolf pack
Led by a Silver Wolf
An Alpha Female
Hunting for Food
Among the villages around Her

She leaves the lambs alone
For the ewes
And their double-horned mates
Are far too many
And far too fierce
And she would prefer
To live amongst them
In a precarious peace

To the north
The wild weather
And the mountains
Make it unfit for habitation
There are wars and rumors of wars
But the packs there
Are loners
So she leaves them
To the storms forceful
Still warm winds

There are other packs
Much closer by
Almost like family
But not quite
With whom to play
With whom to fight
With whom to celebrate
A full moon's night

So here's the Den
Here is their lair
Will sniff the ground
Will sniff the air
And hunt again
Always hunt
For food.

poem by Ali Ducharme 19/09/2010 10:17:27[/SPOIL]


mine arent based on TW... although you could sorta loosely say they fit


Nice.. My turn..