Goodbye Peoplez

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Hello world 48,

sadly i bring bad news for those who like me and very good news for the haters.

due to recent events and because of those events i havee lost interest in the tribalwars community of this web browser game and therefore and stating my farewell to you all.
i am requesting to be banned for the reasons i cannot talk about obviously but do not fera us Shockers i will still be here for the war but once Shock ends i will be perma quitting TW for good.

i remember the old days when we argued and you flamed me and how much i hted those days however i somewhat miss them a little bit and am glad that i erned a bit of your respect and there for would like to say thank you for your talks on skype :)

we started out bad and we argued alot but luckily i managed to show you i ama a good guy and thank you for becoming aa friend s i enjoy our funneh talks sometimes

You suck end of

have only known you briefly but dude your a good guy and i like talking with you

James / Seth
Your both good forum postrs and james your welcome to spam me on skype any time :icon_wink:

To The Rest Of Shock
You Shockers re by far the best tribe i have lead and by far the best team i have played for and i thnk you for the oppotunity of being your leader and playing alongside you thanks alot guys :)

Many more of you i will miss in this world 48 community and you can all catch me on Skype or In Game while Shock is still around but once they are all gone im affraid to say i will be retiring for good.

Therefore i bid you all a goodbye.

TCO out
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Haven't really gotten to know you being a recent player in w48 community but good luck in your future endeavors!


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. You can't quit. Your also a very good guy. You will be missed by me


Love you too.


Hatrs gone hate and i do hate you :)

Rusty you noob. I'll miss you.

ill especially miss ya Rep but im sure ill be on skype if ya need me im just waiting to have my account perma banned but teh mod isn't online :icon_rolleyes:

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. You can't quit. Your also a very good guy. You will be missed by me

i kind of have to mate lost interest but should anyone ever need to call upon me thy know where to find me [HINT] Skype [/HINT] im sure ill also be on there :)


Not even a mention huh im offended lol jokes. Speak to you on skype soon i hope

Gonna miss you mate good luck ;)


Not even a mention huh im offended lol jokes. Speak to you on skype soon i hope

Gonna miss you mate good luck ;)

i couldn't remember everyone but but our chats were fun considering we were enemies and i liked the fact you were mature in our convo's :)


Why would you ever choose to get permanently banned? You know there IS a delete button. Once you get banned, your gone for good. At least if you quit you can come back at some future time (If you happen to choose)


Why would you ever choose to get permanently banned? You know there IS a delete button. Once you get banned, your gone for good. At least if you quit you can come back at some future time (If you happen to choose)

Thats the whole point i dont want to come back.
besides if i wanted to come back i could always contact that mod that i asked or create another forum name but i would rather not :)


sad to see you go man :(
and thanks
I'll be hitting you up on skype fairly soon ;)


Thats the whole point i dont want to come back.
besides if i wanted to come back i could always contact that mod that i asked or create another forum name but i would rather not :)

So I'll reiterate royalties post...why bother? lol j/k

Not sure if you remember me from the early days of W48 when I was the duke of RenowN and you lead Titan. I always liked you, even when we had our disputes. Good luck in RL man.


You can't leave. I won't allow this!
Fighting Shock wouldn't be the same. :'(

Also. I would spam you on skype. But it hates me and my computer. :'(
Tho, If you want I can solo target you for a while. Tho I am currently out of Cats and Ram's so i would have to resort to Spears and Swords only ima afraid.

Defense Nuke FTW!


You can't leave. I won't allow this!
Fighting Shock wouldn't be the same. :'(

Also. I would spam you on skype. But it hates me and my computer. :'(
Tho, If you want I can solo target you for a while. Tho I am currently out of Cats and Ram's so i would have to resort to Spears and Swords only ima afraid.

Defense Nuke FTW!

ill still be around for this war hell i wouldn't leave this war :icon_wink:


Good. Cause I sent you some love. They are bringing you Cookies.


TCO I have come to a conclusion..... I'm not going to let you quit. ktnxbai.
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