Graphics and sigs for PA points


Thats a lie, FYI gangebanger are People too, We play video games, we talk on the phone, we buy clothes at malls, we eat at mcdonalds we watch t.v , we get on the PC..

Your acting like just because i rep bloods that i can be on the computer. ME and lots of my friend found out about this game when we was on house arrest. As fur as you questioning my Nation , u need to watch what you say, and say what you watch.

U dont know me , u dont know my nation, or my family so u need to flick off...


O and since your so smart you wouldnt know that The bloods was a group that was mad From a muslim religion, we believe in alah , but over the years the gang turned violent.

Like i said, some of the most dangerous criminals were regular people.
Some of the most fiered killers are nieghbors.


They should make being in a gang a banable offense ._.

And in case you actually want to be decent at GFX try searching PS tutorials on Deviant Art, it really helps.


you know how stupid you sound??
gangbangers playing tribalwars ??? :icon_eek:
woww your probly some nerd trying to act black.i hope you die walkin down the street getting shot and wakeing up in hell,then ill wonder if you still think being in a gang is so cool.


Hold on mofo .. i am black u lil geek....


dont do me punk, do a girl.


Guys...why are you splitting hairs?

Just calm down jeez....>.<

Though we all know tyrolz would win irl XD


Golly people...shush now!!!

You guys will start killing each other verbally..or however you spell it.

For you Tyrolz, you can improved your Graphics work just like what Tilly said. But I suggest you go to DeviantArt, and start looking for their PS Tutorials.

For you Tilly, now do you know what I insulting others...golly...

For you 300, shush...stop being so racist...

Ok, now all of you chillax..., and go back to the Topic.