

I'ma write this in comic font, just because everyone hates it.

Morning everyone,

My name is device, I'm a dutch tw player returning from a break. I played through the years '10-'14 and quit because of random reasons nobody cares about. Few days back I decided to give it another try because I have nothing better to do in my life.


Why am I not returning to .nl servers? Because I feel they are less populated, the language feels strange and awkward even tho I am dutch myself. And I wanted to give the .net servers a try and see how much the strats and worlds differ from my origin realm.

At the moment I'm just playing on the recent world, 84. Just checking around, looking at the people, the way the world progresses. Getting in the mood to give 'em hell.


Am I interested in co-playing other worlds? - Yes, preferably 78, 80 or 84 due settings.
Do you realise his post is a hate-spam-magnet? - Yes, ofcourse.


With this being finished, thanks for taking your time reading through all this. Shoot me a message ingame if you have any questions or just want to be a prick and spam the living stuff out of me.

Best Regards,
- Device.
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Player not found.

​Who are you? I might mail you if I get desperate or drunk.


For some reason I just turned green. Am I envious of something or someone?


Welcome to .net servers! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy your stay!

If you're still here in a few months, hopefully we have a good fight!



If you're still here in a few months, hopefully we have a good fight!

If I don't manage to keep rolling, I'll be coplaying someone. So I'll most likely stick around. Thanks and gl ;)


oh good, this will be interesting as the big boys are here! =)

Let the entertainment show! begin! =)



But he's not a rapper.


My name is Pro
And they thought I'm a Chollo
Coz I always wear a Pollo
But they don't know that I'm Locco

They think they've got
the best rapper in TW world 84 City
But all they've got are kinky!

So lend them those ears
and listen,
The AKATSUKI is Back!

Roadtrash the Trasher!
quicksilver21 the Quick Nobler!
drogicio the Bomber!
fabss the fabulous!
Ferrit the ferry man!
masternavi3 the master!
joebopie the pie eater!
maes52 the masetro!
Dr. Hardbody the Doctor!
Cashe the Basher!
Raavna the Killer!
Baisti Complete the complete!
chadwick05 the wicked!
Future DevilDog the devil!
HermioneG the gorgeous!
jmmr123 the jammer!
Darsche the Death Scythe!
deaneric the generic!
kim Cyril the hitman!
Lord wragller the joker!
ktg97 the supplier!
tellwright the truth teller!
ISherlock the homes!
Qendrim-berjani123 the c4!
Fearless1 the nameless!
ProGamer2010 the Brains!

even all of us combined
it's just all me!

So stop your jealousy
over mha supernaturalibity
coz even if they make me a celebrity
they got nothing on me!

oh yeah!

Dose that count as a Rap!? o_O


I'd give you a 10 for effort and too much spare time

I don't have too much spare time! if I did, I wouldn't have lack of sleep that sometimes affects my Leadership decision. It's just that I'm good at Multi-tasking mate. ^_^ 24/7 Farming and Managing Tribes on 3 Worlds + Managing Account on 1 No Hauls World while Watching Movies with Friends and Drinking booze! While able to play ePSXe Vandguard Bandits once in a while when I have completed all the task on 4 worlds. Researching Players to recruit, identifying threats, researching player threats history, + and - village history, logging files of estimated troop counts from ODA/ODD achievements and Achievements gained, gauging travel time distances, inducting counter measures, setting up whole tribe and team cluster defense, putting up contingency plans if all preparatory counter measures failed, doing Account sitting Check + Massive Account sitting sits, urging members to be active and be a team player, spotting Tribe Threats/Competitors/Tribe Formations and Team Efficiency and once in a while goes to forum to reply post, take a Nap, sleep 2 hours then get back up/Set up a sitter then go out with friends. Come back on the keyboard and be transformed into a Computer Geek and A lot of stuffs that I am multi-tasking mate. ^^

Player not found.

+ Managing Account on 1 No Hauls World while Watching Movies with Friends and Drinking booze!

Much respect to you on this one as we both are similar :icon_cool:

Playing Tribal Wars drunk or high is the shit xD


"I don't have free time" chooses to spend the little he does have writing long-ish posts about how he doesn't have free time.

It's ok, I am convinced.