Yep!!!! scott But I'm a him;) Slug lady:)
DruidEarth Contributing Poster Reaction score 8 Jun 2, 2011 #4,043 Last I checked... Someone with an annoying sibling.
dawnrising27 Guest Jun 3, 2011 #4,044 i don't have any brothers or sisters.... Kids though! Some one who bleeds red blood?
DeletedUser Guest Jun 3, 2011 #4,045 I think my blood is red, I dont Bleed however :icon_cool: ....someone with a village in K45........
DruidEarth Contributing Poster Reaction score 8 Jun 3, 2011 #4,046 Currently, yes... Someone who was thinking in a language other than English today?
darkaniken2 Guest Sep 29, 2011 #4,047 Nope. Someone who wonders why I necro'd this thread, even though it wasn't even halfway down the first page.
Nope. Someone who wonders why I necro'd this thread, even though it wasn't even halfway down the first page.
DruidEarth Contributing Poster Reaction score 8 Sep 30, 2011 #4,048 Because it's fun. Someone who used a sentence today with multiple languages. Unintentionally. -_-'
DruidEarth Contributing Poster Reaction score 8 Dec 12, 2011 #4,051 Long time no activity... Not-Darkeh
DruidEarth Contributing Poster Reaction score 8 Dec 12, 2011 #4,053 Indeed. Someone who's going to get a hug? *hugs* How'd I guess right?
DruidEarth Contributing Poster Reaction score 8 Dec 13, 2011 #4,056 Aye, that would be me. XD I'm not entirely sure what I was doing when I made it. I think there's a logical explanation, but I just can't remember what it was. Jecca?
Aye, that would be me. XD I'm not entirely sure what I was doing when I made it. I think there's a logical explanation, but I just can't remember what it was. Jecca?