Half price nobles? Maybe get a poll going.


Obviously most of us have seen the announcment, half price nobles anyone?

As Lizy's announcment suggests it needs to be a poll anyone agree? :icon_rolleyes:

I would love half price nobles and I bet everyone else would also better than having constant noble, W1 im assuming is updated monday.

Many of you think it will bring the world to the end far sooner, that may not be the case, it most definatly will spice the world up, there will be more war and action ;). Instead of putting the world to speed 2, half price nobles :D xD!

Please post your thoughts.


Actually it would only affect the coins on this world which is better than affecting noble prices IMO.


i think they should just double the resource income.

it would allow us to mint more coins and reproduce units at the same time with resource's left over for more coins. :icon_wink:


As I said many people didnt like the idea of bumping W5 up to speed 2 -.-.


it sounds like a very good idea, i would definatly vote it.


Im on it then, ill try and talk with lizy today to get a poll going :D.


well, it's in the new version 5.2 :)

so looks like we gonna get it soon


Superb idea, I've been short of nobles for the last three months :icon_confused:


I doubt that they would simply do a poll on all worlds otherwise almost all of the worlds would vote for it.
I'd assume that there will be criteria that has to be met before a poll is started. Perhaps like the number of ennoblements per month dropping below a value consistently for several months.

I don't think that W5 is in a situation yet that would make the mods activate this feature.


what i undrestood from the anouncement that the noble price will be cut into half and that will have a little impact at this stage as i think no one is short of resources but
if its the coin system changing into half coin price i guess that will be a YES for most active players

i vote yes to speed 2 as it will be easier to kill noobs plus some player thinks they are safe in their shells and prag about it and if we get speed 2 then they will not feel that safe :)


Wow with halfpriced nobles, it might actually be worth it to noble all those 116 point barbs sitting around.


I doubt that they would simply do a poll on all worlds otherwise almost all of the worlds would vote for it.
I'd assume that there will be criteria that has to be met before a poll is started. Perhaps like the number of ennoblements per month dropping below a value consistently for several months.

I don't think that W5 is in a situation yet that would make the mods activate this feature.

Old worlds are eligable, this world is over 2 years old, we will get it.


We are an old world no question. But there has been no mention of what makes a world eligible. It will have age as a factor but that won't be the be all and end all. There will be other factors.

I'm not saying that we wont get it or that we don't deserve it I'm just saying that when you look at why this is being implemented there is a chance that W5 wont get it just yet.


From what I've read in the actual thread about it is that each and every world 10 or below will get to vote on whether or not they want to.


Cool stuff.
I only read the announcement thread I know the discussion thread is there somewhere but I find its filled with people asking the same question for 14 pages or something even more stupid so I haven't bothered this time.

The Roman Empire

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what i undrestood from the anouncement that the noble price will be cut into half and that will have a little impact at this stage as i think no one is short of resources but
if its the coin system changing into half coin price i guess that will be a YES for most active players

Not short on recourses most of the time, but short on nobles definitly ...
So reducing the price here is a great way to get more gold coins so more nobles.