Have Care x Given Out Their Final Hugs?


This topic was made by the leader of Care x, the glorious Dallow

Background information

Now, from the beginning of this world, ever since DaBearo left the world, myself and PACMAN's,Rank 0 and now Yarr's leadership has never seemed to get along. It's mostly because I don't like to be threatened, never have which you may be wondering why they were threatening me.

Suprisingly, it wasn't because we wouldnt merge.


More for us recruiting the Ex - Agency players, but instead of asking politely they seemed to be rather rude to me.

Old Skool Oct 16,2012 16:54
Haii der,

I will contact you about this problem instead of [player]PrePearTodie[/player] because he is an ex-Agency member and may not be neutral in this case.

[player]PrePearToDie[/player] stated that I had to contact [player]Hard.[/player]. In my opnion [ally]Care X[/ally] needs to talk to [player]Hard.[/player] and solve this problem. If it doesn't change it will not be the problem of [player]Hard.[/player] but of everyone in [ally]Care-X[/ally].

I hope to hear from you soon.

Old Skool.

This may not be much in the eyes of some, but to me it was enough. Ex - Agency members then did an op on a member of Yarr (KingOfNoHauls), which they planned whilst in Agency, I let them carry on with it. :)

http://www.twstats.com/en65/index.php?page=player&mode=conquers&type=lose&id=9780661 - Which went OK considering we were expecting worse.

This Is Where It Began.

Side 1:

Tribes: Care x
Side 2:
Tribes: Yarr

Timeframe: Since Skirmishes

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 15
Side 2: 8
Difference: 7


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 93,945
Side 2: 54,920
Difference: 39,025


So you may think, whats the problem Care x is winning, but this just early game skirmishes whats the issue?


Because it doesn't end there.

So we were happily carrying on with our business, when i get these messages.

Garagna Oct 26,2012 02:28
Weeeems on 25.10.2012 at 18:33Thanks Quote
As you know there has been a lot of talk recently about a war that we will be a part of in the next day or two. I can confirm this war consists of us, Yarr, FOST, LOCUST, IPHX-R and ls all against Care x. We were approached by the duke of Yarr AskMeBeforeYouNoble recently asking if we wanted a part of it and seeing as we were already thinking about it ourselves anyway we have decided to accept. The reason the council have kept quiet is because we needed to sort a few things out first.

For those of you wondering how this affects our relationship with [PMS], i personally have spoken with their leader Haziko and seeing as we have reasonable cause to end our relations with Care x they will not get involved in either side.

The reason this has come about is because of the disrespectful nature of not only the members, the leaders as well. On numnerous occasions i have tried to speak with their leaders and been ridiculed or ignored undeservedly. They have also refused to give back villages that their members have taken when we did all the clearing and pre-nobling. If you need to know more mail me and i will explain everything.

More direction will be given to you via your squad leader in your relevant tab in the forum. Please keep up to date and read everything posted there. Forget C2, this is the time we really need to be organised and show people what we can do. Operations will be set up and people MUST participate. Failure to do anything asked of you is a serious matter in something as big as this and will be dealt with severely and forcefully.

The council



This is the main reason for this topic. So the line up so far is:


[spoil] Yarr ----> http://www.twstats.com/en65/index.php?page=tribe&id=10
FOST ----> http://www.twstats.com/en65/index.php?page=tribe&id=23
CHAOS ----> http://www.twstats.com/en65/index.php?page=tribe&id=240
LOCUST ----> http://www.twstats.com/en65/index.php?page=tribe&id=240
LS ----> http://www.twstats.com/en65/index.php?page=tribe&id=462
Infamy ----> http://www.twstats.com/en65/index.php?page=tribe&id=462
IPHX-R ----> http://www.twstats.com/en65/index.php?page=tribe&id=131 [/spoil]


Care x ----> http://www.twstats.com/en65/index.php?page=tribe&id=31

Yes, the almighty Yarr not only have the same number of allies as they have had leaders.

They can't deal with Care x by themselves.

But CHAOS, don't they have an alliance with Care x?

Yes, up until this had come out Care x did have an alliance with CHAOS. However it wasn't a smooth one.

Due to the near position of the two tribes, cross nobling was an issue for both tribes. This however wasn't dealt with at all with by their baron (Weeeems), who is currently banned. After both tribes were victims to the cross nobling, gifting the vils back wasn't an issue, or so we thought. CHAOS began nobling into Care x's core and wanting the villages that were cross nobled, either way they were internalled.

This lead to disagreements:

Weeeems on 23.10. at 23:30
If you dont want us expanding your way then there is no way in hell your going to expand into our core? Did you seriously think that we would roll over and let you? And your on about compromise, here is a perfect example.

Compromise does not mean letting stuff go it means coming to a reasonable agreement for both sides, not your nobling in our core and us not being allowed to go anywhere near you.

Im not saying you treat me any differently to everyone else im saying you need to realise you speak to people like you are better than them and i can quite believe that its not just me! You have a reputation of having no respect for anybody and always thinking you are better than them.

Trust me, i have given you the proof, there is no way it can be denied. Your member intentionally nobled ours and you say you want to strengthen our alliance?


Weeeems on 23.10. at 23:35
Your tribe and its leaders are known for rude, snobbish attitudes towards everyone, no matter what tribe they are in. Its fact. Its over the external forums, shared forums, everywhere in most worlds. Its just common knowledge.

People talk to me about our alliance and warn me that you are going stab us in the back and you cant be trusted because you think your better than everyone and youve done it in other worlds in the past.

Like i said its an opinion a lot of good players have and now i am starting to see what they mean.

This disagreement, has lead to Weeeems suiciding his tribe.

Over the next week or so, everyone will see what happens when you wake a sleeping Bear!




More for us recruiting the Ex - Agency players, but instead of asking politely they seemed to be rather rude to me.

That mail wasn't rude at all, was it?:icon_sad: You even had to highlight the "threat".:icon_razz:


'Yes, the almighty Yarr not only have the same number of allies as they have had leaders.'

Eh, we don't have any allies. So are you saying we have had no leaders? :icon_confused:

Also going by your 'enemies' list, it would make sense to add in the 'enemies' of Yarr wouldn't it? Especially -404-, *wink wink*.


Don't worry Dallow ill be here for you <3 will be your savior the Almighty angry bunch of [PMS] players will be heroes ......ummm let me stop talking xd who knows what could happen *wink* *wink* nah I'm just trolling or am I ....


Diplomacy by Yarr done well, whilst Care x have sidelined it. Sorry but all I see here is more clever play by Yarr than Care x.

Done well, anyone can convince noobs to follow them blindly and act as 'meat shields'


I don't know why I'm supposed to feel sympathy for you because you recruited a bunch of troublemakers that obviously would cause some annoyance with Yarr. And that mail wasn't even rude, maybe just to honest for your taste.


I don't laik Yarr so good luck Dallow :x

And is AskMeBeforeYouNoble Karmalot? I remember him using the same COA.


Done well, anyone can convince noobs to follow them blindly and act as 'meat shields'

There are some Chaos players that have already acknowledged they won't be helping. Weeeems is just an arrogant fool with a hard-on for Dallow. These are a couple of the messages I have received from Chaos members in the last two days. Apparently they can see what is actually going on here. Yarr is looking for a distraction so they don't have to fight us 1 v 1.

[spoil]xxxxxxx Oct 26,2012 12:25
just letting you know, i dont plan to take part in the war against Care x, its a bit crazy, the leaders wont even tell us why we are going to war, makes no sense[/spoil]

[spoil]xxxxxxx Oct 26,2012 12:38
if war is declared on care x, everyone will try and jump tribes, our tribe I dont think is permanent. I dont plan to stay all the way with CHAOS not because I am a glory whore, because I hate losing and I know that will happen if I stay with CHAOS until the end of the war.[/spoil]
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So Yarr managed to get a couple of noobs on their side,but I dont think that will mater.Morale is low in those tribes and they will surrender as soon as they get some presure from Care x.Yarr should have mailed better tribes.I think Care x can handle this.Unless Yarr themself prove to be the strongest.But I really dont expect anything from any tribe except from Care X and Yarr.That should however be a interesting battle to follow.

Good luck to both sides


Perfect time for [PMS] To start Pushing CHAOS out of 54. Would be nice to see, just to even it up a bit. Especially considering CHAOS had an alliance with Care-x

Anyway I'll be routing for Carebears.


yupp plus weeems just got bann** and losted all his villages dont know what really happened but as of right now he isnt the duke anymore :icon_eek:

Weeeems today at 01:05
Im not around anymore. Long story but you will need to speak to another tribe member. lrdevol is the duke


This should be fun to watch. Going to love watching how this affects everyone surrounding it.


You guys have been pushing for a war and are but hurt because you failed to prep?

Also your members mailing us egging us on to attack them and saying they will never get tribal support but when scouted have been stacked yet still try to claim it being their own D and having half the tribes paladins sitting in there too ROFL


You guys have been pushing for a war and are but hurt because you failed to prep?

Also your members mailing us egging us on to attack them and saying they will never get tribal support but when scouted have been stacked yet still try to claim it being their own D and having half the tribes paladins sitting in there too ROFL

@ Bolded

Two statements, each contradicting the other?


More prep to a war then just stacking don't you think? :icon_rolleyes:


This is gonna be fun. Surely with all the reports you guys must have by now the real stuff should happen soon right?


Stacking is still a big part to prepping. So to say that they have failed to prep, yet have put their stacks in place is imo, wrong.

And i'm sure that if they have their stacking done, that they would be making other preparations also.