Havoc Declares On WASP


Its been 24 hours since the declaration... here's the stats:

Side 1:
Tribes: Impact
Side 2:

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 89
Side 2: 0
Difference: 89


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 831,213
Side 2: 0
Difference: 831,213



Well, now that the first wave is over, it is time for the counter. Lets see if WASP has what it takes to return the volley and make some gains. I think for the sheer size of IMPACT, the size of the front and the preparedness put into the first wave, WASP has done fairly well.

With many thousands of incoming attacks per player, some reporting up to 4,500... it is no surprise that WASP has lost a large number of villages. I guess what it comes down to is local skill and communication. It is no surprise that some tribe hopping WASP players have left when the going got tough (Lola16 anybody?) but wars will either make or break a tribe.

Looking at the power of IMPACT and the skill of their players, it is hard to believe that WASP is in the exact some position that East was in a few months ago, a war on multiple front, partly inactive leaders... But still IMPACT emerged to become a dominant force. So I would encourage everyone to take these stats with a grain of salt, because I am sure there are fantastic players in WASP, and WASP will be refined as a tribe and could actually come out stronger (not in total area, but in average player skill), just as IMPACT emerged from East.

So, am I being biased towards WASP? Hell no, they pissed me off just as much as any local player, and I can totally relate to the reasons IMPACT declared (nobling into my cluster, threatening me with attacks, actually sending attacks, attacking my players... All while having a NAP).


Well, now that the first wave is over, it is time for the counter. Lets see if WASP has what it takes to return the volley and make some gains. I think for the sheer size of IMPACT, the size of the front and the preparedness put into the first wave, WASP has done fairly well.

With many thousands of incoming attacks per player, some reporting up to 4,500... it is no surprise that WASP has lost a large number of villages. I guess what it comes down to is local skill and communication. It is no surprise that some tribe hopping WASP players have left when the going got tough (Lola16 anybody?) but wars will either make or break a tribe.

Looking at the power of IMPACT and the skill of their players, it is hard to believe that WASP is in the exact some position that East was in a few months ago, a war on multiple front, partly inactive leaders... But still IMPACT emerged to become a dominant force. So I would encourage everyone to take these stats with a grain of salt, because I am sure there are fantastic players in WASP, and WASP will be refined as a tribe and could actually come out stronger (not in total area, but in average player skill), just as IMPACT emerged from East.

So, am I being biased towards WASP? Hell no, they pissed me off just as much as any local player, and I can totally relate to the reasons IMPACT declared (nobling into my cluster, threatening me with attacks, actually sending attacks, attacking my players... All while having a NAP).

Lola didnt hop, the original owner quit and left me and alex te duties as tp divide the vills. We decided Impact deserved them more than wasp :icon_redface:


After 100+ conquers our killing spree got ruined, 2 vills got recapped... but still it's not so bad ;)


also I suggest take a look at tribe nobling map, you can see nearly all WASP front is getting nobled :)


PS. Lucaya was first to loose a village, so we'll internal him


Even still, that is some pretty nice defending, to only have 2 recapped out of 118.


Ya well done wasp keep fighting fellas please don't disband or merge into some other tribe ....


After 100+ conquers our killing spree got ruined, 2 vills got recapped... but still it's not so bad ;)


also I suggest take a look at tribe nobling map, you can see nearly all WASP front is getting nobled :)


PS. Lucaya was first to loose a village, so we'll internal him

yeah 2 noobs
lucaya and the distructor failed to keep at 0:icon_neutral:


Day 2 map:


the most noticeable thing imo is that big chunk of MWASP villages turning WASP. lul

[spoil]*Day 1 map*
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could you post
the 2 maps together

or put the nobled villages into different color?:$


It does suck that Zombie and bloodthirsty got banned... I wish they hadn't and we could have had a fair fight like they wanted. Whether it was done intentionally or not, I think they went out the way they wanted. They took the secret, stacked it presumably and got banned with that village having every defensive troop they have if I know those 2 players :icon_biggrin:

I personally have an ODD of nearly 2 million in just 24 hours, I didn't lose a village, came damned close a couple of times, but skill and the tenacity in knowing how to play this game made sure that we came out on top.

Good luck to everyone in this war... we all have worked hard for our villages, but its a war game... so lets get back to trying to take each others villages.... yipeee :icon_razz:


Well, with Erick and Brian banned, does WASP have a chance in this war? I would say Impact is gonna take total control of K67 in these upcoming days.


Well, with Erick and Brian banned, does WASP have a chance in this war? I would say Impact is gonna take total control of K67 in these upcoming days.

I'd say that WASPs last flame of hope went with them, not the other way around :icon_smile:


How could they have changed the war if they wern't banned :? They were already down 16 and 10 villages :lol: