ffs this thread is fail, ampac stop posting, your posts used to be constructive and understandable, now your just trying to fight everyone. Ampac, you took over the account on W51, so please "/
Alex...I have no qualms with you...Why do you need to get involved in this?
As i was saying players like Rickson1, Heftysmurf, Crimsoni, Bong972 who are not playing this world should just give opinions only on what they see in the forums..But they shouldn't judge players who enjoy the game and insult them..These said players are fail..
Rickyson1- never content on a single world..He deleted because he is so bored..Then insult others who kept playing on..
HeftySmurf- Always saying that he got Bored, destroyed strong accounts that could have change the entire structure of the world as it is, justifiying it by saying he is not impressed by the attacks but he kept lossing villages.( Lol, still he insults players and tribes on world20)
Crimsoni- Played few months and now talks big,, This is endworld with 400+ players playing you quit when there was almost still 4000players.( And insults players here inworld 20)
Bong972- A disgruntled world20 player, I talked to this guy and respect him...But the funny thing is the mistake he had done is to blame it on others (lol, he can't blame himself)..with this he judged everyone in world20 as noobs.
You guys are not playing world 20 anymore..You didn't survived the politics, the attacks, the propaganda...
You guys are not tough..
You guys only talk big.