Hippos' Troop Build Discussion


I personally farm with Slowtarget's Scout Report Evaluator on browing worlds. It isn't as fast as bookmarking, but it is more accurate to the resources in the villages. If you don't wnat to bookmark go get the Evaluator, it is awesome.


You end up losing packets tho. If you took less time to manage each of the villages you farm and instead went for the bigger scale, you'd be amazed how fast you would grow.


I personally farm with Slowtarget's Scout Report Evaluator on browing worlds. It isn't as fast as bookmarking, but it is more accurate to the resources in the villages. If you don't wnat to bookmark go get the Evaluator, it is awesome.

Thats why W26 build, with scouts being nearly totally blind, is perfect for my strat :icon_wink:


A way around this is sending scouts 1 landing part on a given village to know what its producing.

Obviously, not worth it :icon_razz:

Better sending a little extras troops per farm or a little less, no biggie.


There is one thing which is never mentioned when you stack with offensive villages, as you are supposed to, you lose that nuke while you are stacking, and then while you rebuild what ever was lost.


Dodge x/lc/rams/nobles whenever possible.

LCs will work to snipe a train but should be used in last resort. If you're good at timing, you can get away with a high off:def ratio.

It means you'll have to sometimes use LCs to snipe nobles. 1k lc work well vs 100sp.

If you're really in troubles, you can stack x/lc (like 75/30). I'd avoid donig that tho. A scenario where this would be worth donig that is if you got a village with little def troops around, short notice (landing time), several nobles attached to that village along with a nuke and all you got close are off vills. In that case, stacking with x/lc vs 1 nuke would be worth it (in you arent 100% sure you can snipe the train).

In such case ever arise tho, it means the issue is your villages placement. Each areas should be independant from each others so avoid these problems.


Offtopic but since you started the thread:
Yeah, you just use that link, archive the reports and then you can tinker with the bookmarks using a notepad to set starting villages :p

(R)eport (I)dentification (F)arming (T)echnique


I see that W34 Smithy is based on 3-level-system. So in your D i suppose you have Spear 3 and HC 3 researched. The rest does not matter.

In your O village, you should have Axe 3, LC 3, Ram 3+ 2 mandatory spears + swords. That makes 11 levels in total. I was wondering how do you manage your army with only 15 research levels. In those 4 levels left you need 2 for spears and another 3 for HC. If you D has HC in there your O should also have HC researched. Spears are researched for support from the outside world. Even if your whole tribes uses an HC strategy, your allies probably will be supporting with spears.

What I wrote also completely denies the fact that you have scouts in your offensive villages. And you need 16 levels if you want to maintain HC at level 3. This has been an interesting issue I remember we had with my fellow hippo tribemates.
Ram tech 3 is a waste of techs IMO, why waste 2 techs for such little advantage?

I always keep them at tech 1 and use the remaining 2 on better things...


I haven't played TW for a long time already, so I am not really sure what tech I used. At least I remember that when I was in Hippos it was not lvl3 for some reason. I can't be bothered to go to the simulator and start checking to see using which lvl is more practical.


For archer / simple tech world i use:


6734 Axe
50 Scouts
2850 LC
250 MA
240 Rams
5 Cata

Time vs nuking power is always a factor, i go for the fast building nuke.

Having over 7000 Axes in your nuke makes it terrible slow to rebuild!

219 Rams is what you really need, but i build 20 extra to have some faking power.

5 Catapults allows me to demolish Rallypoint or Academy should i choose to.

Using this nuke i hold #1 ODA on w20.


9500 Spear
50 Scouts
1850 HC
20 Rams

Time vs defensive power is again a factor, and again i go for the fast production.

Going 1:1:1 with spear / sword / archer gives you a stronger defensive unit, however it takes ages to build!


On tech worlds i use pretty much same build, with these techs:

Spear - 3
Sword - 1
Axe - 3
Scout - 1
LC - 3
HC - 3
Ram - 1
Cata - 0

Spear - 3
Sword - 3
Axe - 0
Scout - 3
LC - 0
HC - 3
Ram - 1
Cata - 2


I skipped a few messages, so I apologize if someone else already said this;

This looks better, but not as magical as some are viewing this. The graphs are showing potential use of the troops, and since HC are versatile, yes tally two seperate graphs of offense and defense and they look incredibly overpowered on paper. The fact is though you don't take both sides of the battle each time two forces collide, they can only use offense or defense once while in battle, and the cutback is that they do both less efficiently. This has been used well before the appearance of Hippos, and more commonly the all HC and D and O only varying from spears and axes strategy. It's not something I recommend to the less experienced of tw as it is expensive and can slow your growth speed if you don't know the game well enough.

It's not a godly tactic, simply another strategy; the risk of it is you lose too much offense and there goes your defense bonus. Vice versa if you send your Heavy Cavalry to towns that get red defense reports. Where as if you had more efficient offense from pure Light Cavalry you'd farm faster and pack more of a punch on enemies, and when it comes to turtles you need every point you can get your hands on. The only variation graphed that comes close in effiency takes twice as long to build though, another thing new players won't really look into.

I'd recommend new players try having pure standard offense and defnse towns before they try specializing villages or adapting strategies like this. Unless they wind up tutored by an expert player. Find a hippo if you want help.:lol:
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