now that there is a proper venue, nobody has anything to say :icon_rolleyes:
in fact, the forums have gone from a recent activity spike, back to the living dead we have all come to know
maybe i should post something that pisses a lot of folks off for no reason? :icon_twisted:
my first world, i found myself in a similar position to many of the new players who have posted to these forums
i started late, was in a rim tribe with other newbs, faced tribes of more veteran players who had started much earlier and were much bigger and better
we held up well, so the #1 tribe tried to hug everybody around us, poach our members, they even had an academy in our backyard
most Tw players know that family tribes and such do not work
no offense mate, but i have played 2 worlds that have now closed,
both were won by tribes with academies, academy is family in my eyes
to me, the definition of a family tribe is very simple:
multiple tribes sharing common leadership
does not matter if they call themselves equals (sisters or brothers) or academies, or even basher tribes
its all family to me
for the commonwealth, if they are indeed sharing a common leadership, so what?
they are rim tribes with a bunch of newbs
for a #1 tribe to be family is something entirely different imo
there is a tribe member limit, family tribes are a means to circumvent the rules
does that mean i care if there? is where?
idc how they wish to play, and i understand the mentality of it all
they think rawr! and ~mw~ are family, they know ex and ctt are family
why do the top tribes hug? cuz they are competing against other top tribes that hug
what i am curious about, is whether there are tribes that can compete with huggers without hugging, compete with back-stabbers without back-stabbing, etc.
i have played TW for years now and i have heard stories, but there is no 1 (relatively) short thread i could read and find the accusations against a tribe trying to compete in such a fashion, as well as the replies to those accusations
i believe it is possible to win a world without hugging, cheating, back-stabbing, etc.
in fact, i believe i lead a tribe that has a chance at that
soon i will post a thread for accusations against us
my hope is that you will keep the debate about honor here and only post
specific accusations regarding our policy in the thread i plan to start
my hope is simply to document the journey, in a single (relatively) short thread, of a top tribe's aspiration to be as "honorable" as possible
the people we come in conflict with can post their accusations, we (me representing my tribe) can post our response, the TW Community can judge for itself what exactly happened and what it means to them