I will not post very long, and just post some pictures and help the community decide on how the Creasthive operate.
Thought the recruiting of IPOD will bring some morale to an all-ready dying camp they have never been wrong. Ex-IPOD players will not survive and that is evident from how it has been played and will be further played. The IL members are extremely happy that IPOD did what they did because snakes will always stay snakesss...ssss ssssss
Backstory: Thorny Dragon had 50-60 nobles launched from Creasthive looked like a normal OP. Close range trains with 0 prenukes ahead except for 1-2 courtesy of Warlord. All trains sniped except a few that were hitting stacked villages of 50k or so (no biggie)
Now onto the evidence YAY
All support was sent back 10 minutes before the first noble train landed.
And there are like a million more photos like these. It is now evident that the support was sent back (sure it will be our own player righttttt.....) He was on when this was happening and he kept getting kicked out and because he had to snipe and such he did not change password until 15 minutes or so.
Wow this is IL own mistake right?
Well here is the first village that fell that had a 50k/50k stack sent back home (LOL 0 prenukes, think we deleted the reports? Mods or whoever please check that there were 0 ram attacks or attacks ahead)
Here is another
I was laughing yesterday that who did creashtive think they were, sending 0 nukes at us because legit each village that had a train sent had like 2 fake ram attacks that also by a different player and who's offense died like 1 week ago lol? Sure you can say that the player sent 3k attack on a village that they had scout reports of showing 50k stacks.
To give context to everyone the villages were very secure and all villages had snipes dealt with and Thorny was IL's most stacked account and Creasthive knew that and yet made 0 effort to conceal and OP like this. Sent 1500 axes as first escorts with 0 nukes ahead??? on 50k stacks? We had to really deal with them from close range as the previous stacked villages were not stacked anymore (GREAT STUFF IL, you can pat yourself at the back because of this as over 80 nobles were used on this)
I would not think our leader is lying:
This was before the OP like 1-2 hours before the trains landed:
If these are the amount of nukes Creashive uses in their OP then w0w they are the best tribe ever (Please send me invite again, I will join without any stacking that was promised by you guys to me to which I said GL)
But all in all we have recovered the account and is back on action.
Drama 2
IL account hacked 16 hours before MAJOR OP on IPOD was about to hit. Ofcourse they were not able to save everything but they were able to save a-lot because of the information they were able to get from the account.
[removed by moderator]
I give my condolences to all Creasthive members for playing under a leadership such as this, I have personally played against many of your "Core" leaders and I know all the dirty tactics they use to succeed. I love their skill, consider them to be the finest of this game but they play these dirty games and have been doing so.
Only 3 villages were lost in this Sabotaged OP
PS: Mods please do not ban me for any reason, give me a warning or such as my intentions are very pure and I am giving the information to everyone so that they may see the LIGHT!
Thought the recruiting of IPOD will bring some morale to an all-ready dying camp they have never been wrong. Ex-IPOD players will not survive and that is evident from how it has been played and will be further played. The IL members are extremely happy that IPOD did what they did because snakes will always stay snakesss...ssss ssssss
Backstory: Thorny Dragon had 50-60 nobles launched from Creasthive looked like a normal OP. Close range trains with 0 prenukes ahead except for 1-2 courtesy of Warlord. All trains sniped except a few that were hitting stacked villages of 50k or so (no biggie)
Now onto the evidence YAY
All support was sent back 10 minutes before the first noble train landed.

And there are like a million more photos like these. It is now evident that the support was sent back (sure it will be our own player righttttt.....) He was on when this was happening and he kept getting kicked out and because he had to snipe and such he did not change password until 15 minutes or so.
Wow this is IL own mistake right?
Well here is the first village that fell that had a 50k/50k stack sent back home (LOL 0 prenukes, think we deleted the reports? Mods or whoever please check that there were 0 ram attacks or attacks ahead)

Here is another

I was laughing yesterday that who did creashtive think they were, sending 0 nukes at us because legit each village that had a train sent had like 2 fake ram attacks that also by a different player and who's offense died like 1 week ago lol? Sure you can say that the player sent 3k attack on a village that they had scout reports of showing 50k stacks.
To give context to everyone the villages were very secure and all villages had snipes dealt with and Thorny was IL's most stacked account and Creasthive knew that and yet made 0 effort to conceal and OP like this. Sent 1500 axes as first escorts with 0 nukes ahead??? on 50k stacks? We had to really deal with them from close range as the previous stacked villages were not stacked anymore (GREAT STUFF IL, you can pat yourself at the back because of this as over 80 nobles were used on this)
I would not think our leader is lying:

This was before the OP like 1-2 hours before the trains landed:

If these are the amount of nukes Creashive uses in their OP then w0w they are the best tribe ever (Please send me invite again, I will join without any stacking that was promised by you guys to me to which I said GL)

But all in all we have recovered the account and is back on action.

Drama 2
IL account hacked 16 hours before MAJOR OP on IPOD was about to hit. Ofcourse they were not able to save everything but they were able to save a-lot because of the information they were able to get from the account.
[removed by moderator]
I give my condolences to all Creasthive members for playing under a leadership such as this, I have personally played against many of your "Core" leaders and I know all the dirty tactics they use to succeed. I love their skill, consider them to be the finest of this game but they play these dirty games and have been doing so.
Only 3 villages were lost in this Sabotaged OP
PS: Mods please do not ban me for any reason, give me a warning or such as my intentions are very pure and I am giving the information to everyone so that they may see the LIGHT!
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