How lame to quit when the heat cranks up a bit. Just shows how solid ground HR was made of.
Shame you don't respond with attacks since it appears you, like much of Puzzle, are just all talk.
1 v 1 me on a masters world and tell me im a noob. Also keep up with politics please.
let me spell it out for the traitors
1. you stabbed your mates in the back
2. this made the game not fun for them
3. since people play this game for fun, most (if not all) quit
did you honestly think it was just dave and kojer you convinced to quit?
congrats on making your mates quit by stabbing them in the back?
is that why you keep posting here?
you are waiting for somebody to congratulate you on how well you screwed over your mates?
nobody ever gets congratulated for that, no matter how they well do at it :icon_rolleyes:
had you been their enemy and defeated them, THEN you would have something to brag about
you were their mates, you stabbed them in the back, they quit
THEN you bragged :lol:
yagger's stats are better than any of the traitors, there is no question, the only people who do not see it are ckd
"had you been their enemy and defeated them, THEN you would have something to brag about"
whether it be 32-3 or 132-3
but 132-3 against your own mates who quit when you stabbed them in the back does not compare to even 1-1 against an enemy
doesn't matter if you win, doesn't matter if you get rank 1, doesn't matter if you get 1k awards
YOU are most certainly NOT the "good players"
no matter what you do from the first week of august 2013, w64 will NEVER be anything you can brag about
the first week of august, you threw away any bragging rights you ever had or would have in THIS world
if you wanted to establish respect, you should have started a new world
you can post all the bs, excuses and lies you like, it changes nothing
Side 1:
Players: Stengl
Side 2:
Tribes: Puzzle
Timeframe: Forever
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 8
Side 2: 38
Difference: 30
^^ even those stats are better than any of the traitors
if fear somehow won the world, they would have every right to brag
even if they do not, they can (every last one of them) still claim to be better than the traitors (every last one of them)
the most respectable tribes in w64 (in no particular order)...
every player who played w64 for any length of time knows this
some of us lose nothing by admitting the truth
YOU lose everything by admitting the truth
makes perfect sense that you do not admit what everybody knows
but keep talking, maybe you will convince the players who took the accounts of the players you betrayed
maybe you will convince some casual reader who has never actually played w64
let me spell it out for the traitors
1. you stabbed your mates in the back
2. this made the game not fun for them
3. since people play this game for fun, most (if not all) quit
did you honestly think it was just dave and kojer you convinced to quit?
congrats on making your mates quit by stabbing them in the back?
is that why you keep posting here?
you are waiting for somebody to congratulate you on how well you screwed over your mates?
nobody ever gets congratulated for that, no matter how they well do at it :icon_rolleyes:
had you been their enemy and defeated them, THEN you would have something to brag about
you were their mates, you stabbed them in the back, they quit
THEN you bragged :lol:
yagger's stats are better than any of the traitors, there is no question, the only people who do not see it are ckd
"had you been their enemy and defeated them, THEN you would have something to brag about"
whether it be 32-3 or 132-3
but 132-3 against your own mates who quit when you stabbed them in the back does not compare to even 1-1 against an enemy
doesn't matter if you win, doesn't matter if you get rank 1, doesn't matter if you get 1k awards
YOU are most certainly NOT the "good players"
no matter what you do from the first week of august 2013, w64 will NEVER be anything you can brag about
the first week of august, you threw away any bragging rights you ever had or would have in THIS world
if you wanted to establish respect, you should have started a new world
you can post all the bs, excuses and lies you like, it changes nothing
Side 1:
Players: Stengl
Side 2:
Tribes: Puzzle
Timeframe: Forever
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 8
Side 2: 38
Difference: 30
^^ even those stats are better than any of the traitors
if fear somehow won the world, they would have every right to brag
even if they do not, they can (every last one of them) still claim to be better than the traitors (every last one of them)
the most respectable tribes in w64 (in no particular order)...
every player who played w64 for any length of time knows this
some of us lose nothing by admitting the truth
YOU lose everything by admitting the truth
makes perfect sense that you do not admit what everybody knows
but keep talking, maybe you will convince the players who took the accounts of the players you betrayed
maybe you will convince some casual reader who has never actually played w64
lol how did you find my random nuking? surely killed a few of your troops at home :/
That is so funny. Not making the same claims for Pain and the others that you made for skadida, realbean,bitcloud, boylupot and all those "traitors" who jumped ship to MW to " continue to play the game" (sic) in the most honourable tribe in the "history of TW" (sic)?
No?- thought not.
At the very least Pain etc left a tribe in what seemed at the time in a winning position to breathe new life in to a hugging world.
just suck it up and grow up
Meaningless? Killing your O and D at home that could be used against us.. I sort of have to disagree there. And when I got the acc it was pretty much back line as k33 and 43 were empty.
I agree :icon_biggrin:
accounts abit crappy tho :|
What tribe you in and what account?
i'm rank 1