How pathetic


this is just pathetic, on friday affter noon, some one broke into my house and stole xmass presents from under my tree, wtf.
who is that low to steel from under a tree?


o i hope i get to who ever it was first, cuz ill take his intestiens out and strangle him with them, thats xmass spirit for yea:icon_twisted:


I'm not one who usually cares about anonymous internet people or their lives but this is just evil. The scum who did this to you will surely burn in hell but not nearly soon enough for me.

I hope you can salvage the holiday and make up for the loss, if even just in a small way.


well thanks, it was just a 4 gig ipod nano and a 300$ gift cirtificat for west 49, but i dont care about the presents, its the fact that some one would do that


In all honestly, we can carefully say that a pinch of your mind LONGs for the presents as it should. In truth, if the higher part is of what you said that you care more of if someone'd do that or not. Then in all honestly. I betcha they tripped halfway on the run everything fell in a gutter and went to charity...The dude who tripped skinned his entire chin and left leg so bad that he bled to death. He was buried under a pile of fox dung as foxes had moved to that terriroty shortely after his death. The foxes believe it was a mystical power and shitted on it. In the end. all was well :) Its good that you care more for the reason and not the presents. Greed can turn a once very good man into an idiot who stashes pot behind his mothers back.