How to add a script on the quick-bar?


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
Reaction score
From the Settings menu, on the right of the top-bar menu of the game, click on Quick bar option.

Click on Add new link to load a new script.


Adding a new link offers you some various options that you may modify to your will. These options and their uses are as described below:


1. REQUIRED FIELD In this textarea you must enter the url-address of an external link or a javascript code. Note that any script code must have the tag javascript: on the beginning.
2. Enter a name for your entry. This name will be displayed on the quick bar.
3. In this field enter a text that will be displayed as a title of your entry when you hover over its name on the quick bar.
4. In this field you may add an icon’s url or you can pick one from the embedded list. The selected icon will be displayed on the quick bar. Avoid entering a url of a page that usually transfers or deletes image-files. In case an image-url is not valid you may encounter delays in every load of game’s pages. Also, take into consideration that the size of the image you may enter won’t be changed. Avoid using large-sized images.
5. Determine if you want to perfom the entry’s function on a new window or in the same window.
6. You may assign a shortcut-key for up to 10 entries. The available shortcut-keys are the following:

Don't forget to click Save to save your settings.

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