What's happened to W17 in the last 6 months? Who have been the baddies, who have been the spammers and who have been the punch bag for the rest of the world?
Fill me in!!
Fill me in!!
Wisdom can't get past BA's 6-7 members
Not much except a couple BH players now in 13th..![]()
dude where have you been!? (rhetorical question i did actually read something along that lines of a laptop blew up in your face lol)
tbh not a great deal has changed except for people quiting and mojo falling. The old battles are still raging - some swinging in opposite directions as before.
So nothing ingame has really changed that dramatically tbh, but here its quiet and boring.
dude where have you been!? (rhetorical question i did actually read something along that lines of a laptop blew up in your face lol)
Tbh not a great deal has changed except for people quiting and MOJO falling. the old battles are still raging - some swinging in opposite directions as before.
So nothing ingame has really changed that dramatically tbh, but here its quiet and boring.
[BA]/Tao vs MOJO - This war is just coming to a close, bunch of people split off to form ROMA, a few others (HiF) deleted. This wasn't that long of a war, inactivity and unwillingness to help support on MOJO's side caused them to lose K62 and K63 VERY quickly.. If void wasn't such beast maybe they would have had a chancehehe
[BA] vs Wisdom - This war is more like ex- .xD members vs wisdom with support from [BA]. [BA] while absolutely outnumbered on both sides of their corridor in this area are keeping the stats fairly even (last time I checked) and wisdom haven't gained much ground at all on them.. If regent wasn't so good at killing 1k nukes maybe Wisdom would be doing better... :icon_razz:
[BA] vs EturgK - Well first off Etrug and KOBR merged.. hence the K part
This war looks like a standstill? I don't know too much about it but I know mennomen is doing work down there haha. I think EturgK have a few inactivity problems but who doesn't these days?
Wow! What people have moved there, if I may ask?
Yeah that would be me - although it isnt like it sounds, i actually quit then got offered an account with cane who i wanted to play with again since koalas on world 36 was it?
Anyway i dont know.
And as for the regent op, im sure wisdom sent over 1'000 nukes but he never lost a village. Maybe me and cane are hearing stories but thats what i thought as well.
Yeah that would be me - although it isnt like it sounds, i actually quit then got offered an account with cane who i wanted to play with again since koalas on world 36 was it?That's what my brainchild does, brings people together, you owe me vlad :icon_wink:
As i said, i'm going to keep the mystery to it :icon_cool:
We need these forums alive again, i've only been reading them a day and they are boring me =/