I may just be an old fogey, but...


Leave meh alones.
Okay I have an ig account on W55 to test out random settings and to ship premium around with. :)

It has 0 troops and has only ever built 1 unit. :D lol.


When I first started playing TW these forums were used to post propaganda and were far more interesting than they are now. Just my opinion !


Totally true.

Sadly, the Public Forum have been infested by the likes of me.



And Just Peachy.

And *Arcanine*.

And CazCappy.

And Little Idiot.

And everyone else.


Glad I could be noticed. Now thread will die out because DA will post after me.


Petn, your completely correct in the sense that this is ridiculous and I can understand why some people like yourself wouldn't understand why we are doing such futile things...

But hey, it passes time.


Quit sucking up on him MLC.

Show him how much you love to spam!


Are you an impersonator? :O If not...Dang Rush., why another one :D


Petnquaranlor said:
too long to quote


Personally I think the problem is modding. No, I'm not mod-bashing.. I'm simply saying that the best parts of discussions is putting other people down while proving your point. If you can't tell the idiot you're arguing with that he's an idiot, then really there's no fun in shooting down the stupid things he posts.

If you remember, Offtopica used to have a ton of great discussions and arguments. Religious debates would literally fill up a page in the time it took you to write 1 reply, and you would have to go back and read, and rebut, ect. over and over again. Some of those threads would shoot to over a hundred pages long within a day, and all with worthwhile meaningful discussion. Not just religion, we would discuss politics, war, history, life, physics, so on and so on.

Well, Offtopica is no longer the pillar of interesting people and intelligent conversation it used to be. The old people are quitting/moving on, and new people have come in who contribute absolutely nothing meaningful to any thread they post in.

The point IS.. that discussions just aren't fun if you're talking to stupid people, and you can't tell them they're stupid. :)

tl;dr -- DOWN WITH MODS! :icon_razz: