East you will get the attention you deserve. I will give it to you. I have always wanted to prove myself as an attacker, and i can against prob 1 of the best defenders of the game.
I was taught by some of the best attackers (Kenua B2B's finest, gogu123(both #1 attackers for along time), wozz, who said i was 1 of the most aggressive players but didn't have the points, well now i got em)
I am not trying to sound high and mighty, i am not trying to start something on the forum, dont need a flame war tyvm. Just telling you, you will hopefully have your challenge that you have been looking for.
East, I cant wait to meet you on the battlefield, see you soon.
Yes, everyone wants to prove themselves. As if all the hundreds of thousands of attacks that failed miserably were simply in want of your input. Boyo, you are easily the hundredth-plus hero who thought they were all that and a bag of chips.
Unfortunately for you, I am done with this game (guess you missed that part of the thread). If I have not already gone barb, I will soon. I finally got sick of all the heros. All those with big mouths and soggy spines. As long as you can hide under the umbrella of a massive tribe (what, 95% or more of the world?) you are all so tough. Meanwhile not one of you have had the cojones to actually contribute. You just want there to be a tiny group willing to act as enemies so you never have to actually fight a war. Well, I am tired of carrying this entire game on my back. If you are too yellow to carry some of the weight of the game yourself, too interested in hiding under momma's skirt, then too bad for you.
Enjoy playing sim city and working on those poser stats.