You really didn't get that at all did you. They declared that they were taking out Ad in players in and around k29/k39. There were only 4 players in that area. They never at ANY time declared all out war on Ad inf (ie those in the north west). Did you seriously not know that??? Lmaoooooooo
Didn't I specifically say "in their area"? Oh, wait, I did! In fact, here's the text:
Qoffee said:
S33ujimmy, and Ad Inf tenants in our beautiful lands, we will be providing you with a all-inclusive tour around your villages in our luxury Wheelchair of Doom®.
Guess who just found themselves in Plight's beautiful lands? :icon_wink:
I know reading is tough, but try to avoid the huge fail pictures until you learn how to do it. After all, we do have the unwritten rule that someone other than yourself needs to fail before you get to post one, and we frown upon the excuse of "I was too busy searching Google Images for FAIL to find out if someone actually did".
You now complained about Plight being a family despite them not being one and you being in one before you ran off, and you complained about me saying Plight declared on the Ad Inf members in their area despite Plight declaring on the Ad Inf members in their area. 0 for 2, kid :lol: