Ideas for making this world more exciting


Hey all-

I know this world has become a little dull, let's have a FRIENDLY chat about what you guys/gals think would make this world more exciting? Who knows maybe people will take some ideas and put them to action.

We as a world often banter yet we are all here for the same reason, to have fun, enjoy some competition and make friends. The world is mature enough now that most people know who each other are. This forum has even gotten a little dull outside of a few sparring matches. :icon_eek:

Cheers and Happy Hunting~


piss off max-burn till he blocks you? Xd :D Fun enough for me ^^


The world closes in 5 days what!? Lol are you posting on the wrong world lol
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Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Cheaper coins :D I know Watz Poping tribal COA made this world more fun :lol: How about we all decide to branch out into tribes of 10?

Ciranore you aren't so important to illicit such an emotion from me. As i've told you I don't like to talk to irrelevant people, hence the block. Only 1 person could piss me off and that was Andy (YourmomsaidHi). I'm generally Phlegmatic.


I agree, apparently we need to put a little more effort into the coin prices to get the attention of the mods. Let me see what I can do.

Michael Wittman

Cheaper coins :D I know Watz Poping tribal COA made this world more fun :lol: How about we all decide to branch out into tribes of 10?

Ciranore you aren't so important to illicit such an emotion from me. As i've told you I don't like to talk to irrelevant people, hence the block. Only 1 person could piss me off and that was Andy (YourmomsaidHi). I'm generally Phlegmatic.

says the irrelevant guy


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
When did this topic become about me? Or are you guys suggesting i'm the key to making this world more exciting?:icon_wink:


I agree, apparently we need to put a little more effort into the coin prices to get the attention of the mods. Let me see what I can do.

Considering there's around 1500 players left definately. They usually drop prices when there's 2000 players left..... We're well overdue


When did this topic become about me? Or are you guys suggesting i'm the key to making this world more exciting?:icon_wink:
anything is possible lolz :lol: Nukats to max-burn? Sounds fun :D lololol

WaTz PopPiN?

This world would be more interesting if it wasn't one big sloppy merge fest.


yes me made a strong point of that on skype but as i said on skype whether it was discussed or not i can't remember it but i have alot of my plate atm so it's just something i heard that is all.


All tribes disband and everyone fights 1v1 and no allies no friends you must fight or mods delete the accounts. I know not possible but would be a lot of fun.