Illegal Script

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I believe their is one player using illegal script on this world. All indication of his attack pattern is that the script is illegal..No I don't want to say the name or his tribe will attack me..He is at this time nobling my one village..The Mod are powerless to correct the actions of illegal script,.

You look at all the approve script and with what he is doing it is not listed..It need to be taken care of Now.


All sorts of wrong with this post :O

1) Mods can stop anything they choose to stop.
2) The guy can't be stopped if nobody knows who he is :?
3) Don't post this in externals, mods don't like it.


So if he is nobling your "one" village then not posting his name because of your fear that his tribe will attack you is kind of pointless.. Your going to lose your single vill anyways might as well of posted his name. lol


All sorts of wrong with this post :O

1) Mods can stop anything they choose to stop.
2) The guy can't be stopped if nobody knows who he is :?
3) Don't post this in externals, mods don't like it.

This pretty much nails it on the head. Talking about cheating or accusing of cheating is not allowed on the forum.
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